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Though he was laying practically on top of Lilly on the couch, David's hand wormed its way under her, moving around, and finally poking her side to make her squeak.

"David! What the hell?" She giggled, grabbing his wrist.

"I dropped a chocolate chip."

Lilly saw the bag of chips in his other hand as proof, but the ornery grin on his face said otherwise.

"Why are you just eating a bag of just chocolate chips?"

"Well, this for one," he surgery forward and kissed her.
His lips were sweet and she giggled a bit as she started to melt into the kiss.

Then the hand under her squeezed her side.

She squawked, surprised, and lunged up unseating David.

He lay on the floor where she had accidentally rolled him off, covered in chocolate chips, chuckling.
"Worth it..."

"You have problems, David!"

"I really don't know what you're going to think."

David finally handed over the small sketchbook to Lilly.
He had never said anything about drawing ability, but hadn't shied away from the challenge.

Until now.

He didn't quite meet her eye, and almost didn't let her take the book. With her other hand, she rubbed his and smiled gently.

He took a deep breath and let her take it.
She flipped it open to the page he marked.
She wanted to go through it all, see everything he had worked on.

But that would come later, when she had calmed him and gotten permission.

The sketch was very simple.
A tree, the branches turned into swirls and below the roots turned sharp and angular.

It wasn't anything like she expected.

"If you don't like it, we'll figure something else out. It's not a big deal."
He assured.

She looked at him, silent for longer then she meant.
"You're kidding, right?"

He didn't answer, not sure what she was referring to.

"David, of course I like it! Its so beautiful and delicate... where did you think of putting it?"

He huffed in a little chuckle, obviously releved.

"Hadn't thought that far, actually. That's up to you..."

"Well... It's your work. What about my neck?"

He really laughed then, wrapping his arms around her waist.
She wrapped hers around his shoulder.

"Seriously? Your neck? What if I bit you without remembering its there?"

"Well, what about the back of my neck? Little hidden gem until I put my hair up?"

He considered it for a minute before shaking his head like he was clearing his thoughts.

"Wait a minute, its your choice! You can put it where you want it."
He pulled her into a kiss before she could argue any more.

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