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Mark had just put his guitar down in the living room to grab something from the fridge.

When he came back, Joel had it.
Mark smiled. Joel hadn't shown any interest before.

He sat beside him on the couch and popped open his soda can.
"You know, I could teach you some stuff... If you want."

Joel looked at him a while.
While maintaining eye contact, he started playing the very song Mark had been trying to reach himself, almost flawlessly.

Marks jaw dropped.
"You never said you could play!"

Joel shrugged.
"Didn't know it till now..."

Mark felt his cheeks grow hot.
He knew it was overreaction, the anger that rise up in him.

"You mean you just picked it up and can play? How is that fair?!"

Joel couldn't stop the laugh in his voice.
"I'm a visual learner! I watch. I learned watching Mom... And you, Dingus. You already taught me."

Mark want totally satisfied, but let Joel keep playing.
"S'not fair..."

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