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They were exploring a new town.
Walking down the streets of the downtown area. It was early enough in the year it was still pretty early when the sun set.

The other boys were ahead, looking at storefronts.

David hung back with Lilly.

"I want to get you something special for your birthday this year..."
He told her as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

She reached up to hold his hand on her shoulder.

"Oh? What is it?" she asked teasingly.

"Actually, I'm asking you want you want. I just know I want it to be special."

Lilly hummed in thought for a minute.
He watched her eyes light up as they slowed down.

He followed her line of sight and grinned at the shop.

"A tattoo? You want a tattoo?"

She nodded, a mischievous little smile on her face.

David raised an eyebrow.
"And what's the smile about?"

She bit her lip, rolling her eyes.
"I don't know. It feels forbidden. Jay didn't like tattoos. They're are life time commitment and they should be carefully considered kinda thing. I mean he never forbid me and he knew I was always going to get one anyway, but..."

They started walking again.

"So... what do you want to get? You have one in mind?"

She shook her head.
"Have you ever tried your hand at art, David?"

Slowly, he grinned.
"We'll see... you'd really want something I drew on your body forever?"

Her eyes and grin got bigger and she nodded over exaggeratedly.
He chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Alright. I'll see what I can do."

"You're leaving again... aren't you?"

Nick looked up from where he had been throwing things in his bag.
His eyes were wide and he was so startled he didn't speak.

He nodded.

Robert nodded in return, fully entering the room and closing the door behind him.

Nick dropped his bag and turned away, sitting on the bed.
"I cant stop. I almost killed someone tonight. I can be here, put you guys in danger like that."

He felt the bed dip behind him, Roberts hand rubbing circles on his back.
"I know. . . And I know you'll be back."

Nick huffed, looked up to the ceiling and let out a shaky breath.
"You mean you hope I will..."

"Nope. I know it."

Nick turned so he could see Robert.
He was calm, if melancholy.

"You'll get a handle on this whole thing one day... Because you want to so bad. The main problem with addictions is not wanting to treat it. You want to. It's only a matter of time."

Nick nodded slowly.
"But... why do I have such a hard time? It took Joel a couple days? You, a couple weeks? Why?"

"I've been thinking about that. It took me longer then Mark and Joel. It took David longer. It could be because he had to teach himself, he was the first. But... I think it's because he was older."

Nick frowned, turning his whole body towards Robert. Robert took that opportunity to hold his hands.

"Joel was a couple days old as a vampire when he met David and was trained. Hadn't spent years killing. David says he took maybe a year before he really got the hang of it and he had been a vampire for... ten years? What if... you are much, much older?"

Nick looked down at his hands, intertwined with Roberts, and didn't say anything.

"I know it's... awkward to think about. For all you know, you could be a thousand years old. It doesn't change who you are now or what you've built with this family... But maybe it helps to know you've been going so long you just need more time."

Nick found he couldn't even cry.
It was awful, yet wonderful. A part of the puzzle; a place to start.

"Now, you go. And come back to me soon, okay?"

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