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Lilly had been scrolling on her phone on the couch when David brought up food.

She thought about it for a while before offering,
"Hmmm... Pizza or Taco Bell?
Pizza can be delivered... But Taco Bell is... Taco Bell."

David was sitting on the floor beside her and turned to make a face.
"Pizza, please."

She nudged him with her foot.
"What? You got something against Taco Bell?"

"It's not real Mexican food..." He answered, as if that was the end of the matter.

Lilly laughed.
"Of course it isn't ... It's Taco Bell!"

He turned back to her and just looked at her.

Her jaw dropped open a bit.
"Oh my gosh, you... You don't like Taco Bell... Like, at all..."

He shook his head, eyebrows going up.

Lilly stared back at him, her features slowly turning to horror.

"How did I not know this... How have we never been there together..."

She looked away, confused.
"What kind of monster did I marry..."

That's what broke him and he threw his head back against the couch laughing.

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