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Late, late that night they all finally trudged back into the house.
David had to support Lilly down the stairs to the basement.
The long day, emotions, and excitement had finally taken their toll.
She smiled despite her tiredness.
"Okay guys... once last thing I need you to do for me," she told them when they got down the stair.
"I would like each of you to go upstairs and pick a bedroom."

She waited, David grinning beside her, for them to figure it out.

"Wait... we're staying?!" Joel gasped, eyes wide and excited.

"Well, David and I would REALLY like to, and it would be better with you guys.
I figure we go back to California to pack our stuff, come back in a week or so.
IF you guys want too-"

Before she finished, Mark had jumped into her arms, hugging her.
She imagined he was flying slightly or else she wouldn't have been able to lift him.
She hugged him back as everyone else laughed at them.

Robert looked at Joel and, since he was right by the stairs, pushed him aside to run up the stairs first.
Then they were all rushing and pushing each other over.

"So, do we just take whatever bedroom is left over?" David asked as she plopped down on their mattress. But, he was smiling and he helped her take off her boots.

"Actually, I was thinking... I kinda like this room."

"Hu..." He looked around the room as he rooted around her bag for her pajamas.
"That would actually be rally nice... "

Before she could change, there was a crash from above them that shook the floor boads.
They looked at the ceiling for a while before curiosity got the better of them,
They came back up the stairs to find Mark flat on his back in the middle of the living room.
Joel leaned over the banister, grinning from ear to ear.
Robert peaked around him, just as curious as to what happened.

"Do... we want to know what happened?" David asked Joel, since Mark seemed to have the wind knocked out of him.

Joel shrugged.
"I said I wanted the tower room. He said we should flip for it."

David actually fell to his knees he laughed so hard, Lilly almost joining him.

"Not what I meant... I didn't even want it that bad..." Mark whispered, coughing a little.

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