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"Do you play?" Mark finally asked about the guitar in the corner.

Lilly had to follow his gaze to understand.

"Oh, I used to! I just haven't picked it up in a while..."
He got up and brought it to her on the couch.

"oh, shit... Lets see what I remember..."

She tested a few chords first, retraining her fingers where they needed to go.

Then she started with a few things her mom had taught her.
The guys listened happily, but didn't seem to recognize it.

"Hmmm... No Clearwater fans, hu?"
David chuckled, "They are a bit young for that."

"Then I doubt they'd get Tom Petty, Hu?"
But she played it a bit anyway.

Then she tried Breaking Benjamin.
She carefully played a bit of it, even singing on the chorus.
Mark sat at her feet and watched her, amazed.
The other guys watched her too and he had to admit she liked being the center of attention, actually impressing them, being the cool one in a group of vampires.

Then she switched to something old again.
Something just in the back of her memories.

"I cant remember much else," She explained.
"I'll get back into it though. I could teach you, if you wanted."

They all fell into a comfortable silence as she continued strumming.
Then David smiled as he recognized what she played, even before she had.

"Momma take this badge off of me..."

The voice startled her. She hadn't expected David of all people to sing.
But he did, and it was lovely and raspy and she wanted more.
She faltered for a moment, then continued.

"I cant use it, anymore...
Gettin' dark, to dark to see.
Feel like knocking on Heavens door...

Knock knock knocking on Heavens door...
Knock knock knocking on Heavens door..."

He realized everyone was watching him and quickly curled himself up on the couch,
grumbling something about people watching him.
However, there was a grin at the corners of his mouth.

"You should sing more," Robert suggested.
"Both of you."

Another week went by and Lilly managed to get out of David that Marks birthday was coming up.
She kept her ideas secret from everyone as she planned.

She sat on the couch, curled up against the arm with notebook in her lap as the guys poured over movie choices.
David soon grew bored with them and came over to the couch with Lilly.
He stretched out, laying back and using her side to lay against.
She stopped writing, looking over at him.

"Hope I'm not in your way..."

He shrugged. "You're on my side of the couch..."

"It's my couch!" she giggled, though she did nothing to move or make him move.
He just shrugged again.

Building A (Strange) FamilyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz