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"Lilly! Lilly, we have to do it! We have to get in somehow!"
Joel and Mark had accosted her as soon as she walked into the kitchen.

They laid down the newspaper on the island for her and excitedly pointed to the add, though in their excitement, then ended up obscuring what they were trying to show her.

She finally got them to calm down enough to read it.

"A haunted house?" She wasn't sure if that was what the fuss was or not.

"YEAH! Remember how people thought we were so cool and freaky the year we just went out as vampires? We could do that here and its a charity!"

She laughed and had to assure them she wasn't making fun of them.
It actually made wonderful sense and made her giddy.

"David! Mark and Joel have an awesome idea!"

So, Lilly made the arrangements; she met with the head of the haunted house and explained their vampire lair idea.
Mary was more then thrilled.
She explained it was harder and harder to find adult haunters, especially on Halloween night.

Lilly cringed. "Well, actually... we can help this weekend and next but Halloween is actually the day before my wedding."

Mary assured her that was fine, excited at the idea of a spooky wedding.
"Oh, you have no idea..."

During the week before the haunt, Lilly got to decorate their 'lair'.
Mary had given them the last room in the house and free reign.

Using Davids photos, she had managed to recreate the feel
of the cave in Santa Carla, if not the actual location.

They were the hit of the House.
All the teens gathered around Mark and Joel,
fawning over them despite their cruel aminalistic faces.

Lilly was quite impressed with a lot of the teens makeup since they actually used makeup.

Lilly herself the first night had played a screaming victim.
It worked, but she really wanted to play with the boys.

So, she tried her best, and come pretty close,
to copying the boys vampire look using latex and a really good pair of contacts.

When she first presented herself, David couldn't hide his smirk.

"It... suits you."

She rolled her eyes with a grin.

Everyone had a blast and Mary let them know they were welcome every year.

Halloween night came with extra excitement.
Each of them had picked an Anne Rice book Vampire and emulated them.
Mark chose Armand
Joel, Daniel
Robert was Marius and Nickolas as Khayman
and Mom Anne rice herself, carrying around a book.

David and Lilly had chosen Lestat and Louis.
Lilly and her mother had worked on the costumes for weeks, even getting the guys to help.
They hit the town and the whole city had made a harvest carnival. Rides, games, booths of all kinds.

No one in the town really understood who they were,
just that they were dressed extremely fancy.
They found a photo booth and all tried to squish into it,
David made himself comfortable on Lilly's lap,
Mark and Joel on their knees on floor,
Mom, Robert, and Nickolas squished in where they could.
And even if they fit well enough for a good picture, they ruined it by laughing.
But, David was very happy with the new pictures to add to his collection.

Half way through the night, the guys said their farewells to Lilly and her Mom.
They were taking Lilly's car to go to the next city.

David held her close as the other guys piled in the jeep.

"Next time we see each other, we'll be saying 'I do'."

She pulled away to grin at him.
"Sure you still want to go through with it?"

His head fell back and he laughed.
"More sure then I've been of anything in my life."

He kissed her and the guys all made noise, hollering and cheering till Lilly blushed.
David rolled his eyes, kissed her quickly again, and then was off.

Lilly watched them drive off and Mom came up beside her.

"Are you sure you want to go through with it?"
Mom teased.

"More then I've been of anything in my life...
Do you think... Jay would have liked David?"

Mom stood with her, watching the Jeep fade out of sight.

"You know, I really don't think so..."

Lilly looked over at her and snorted.
"I don't think so either!"

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