Confontation And Realization

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The day of Mark's birthday arrived and Lilly could hardly contain herself.
She used her lunch break to walk and pick up a few last minute things at the store.
When she came out, she was greeted by a very nervous woman.

"I'm so sorry to bother you. But I see you're from the animal shelter? Maybe you can help?"
She brought Lilly over to a large truck, windows opened a bare crack.
Leaning over, she could see the problem.
A dog way laying across the back seat.

"Call the cops." Lilly demanded instantly.
The lady did as she said and Lilly started tapping on the window.
The dog didn't move, didn't stir and she really couldn't tell if it was breathing.

"They want to know if it's in immediate danger?" The lady on the phone asked.

Lilly nodded. "Ask them to come as quick as they can..."
She then took her keys out.
On them she had a tool for breaking glass and she smashed the window.

The woman looked shocked and quickly explained over the phone what Lilly had just done.
Lilly didn't care much.
She was able now with an open window to unlock the truck and slip in.
The dog still didn't move, but she determined it was breathing.
She scooped in up in her arms and brought its little warm body out of the truck.

Soon, the owner came out of the store and the shit hit the fan.
First was a string of expletives and Lilly knew she was in for it.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He screamed.

She looked up at him, then back down at the dog in her arms.
He was breathing a little better, not much more movement than the labored breathing.

"I think I just saved your dogs life?"

He was big and frankly, Lilly thought, dumb looking. He radiated ignorance.
"You should keep your nose in your own shit, bitch."
He moved like he was going after her and the woman who first alerted Lilly stood between them.
It was all the time needed for the cops to pull up and see it all.

They called backup to deliver Lilly back to work, dog in arms.
They assured her he couldn't get the dog back till she could check the little guy out, treat him, and make the guy pay it all.

Depending on the dogs injuries, he could be looking at 6 months in jail.
At the very least, he was looking at vet bills and a fine.

Lilly locked up the shelter that night, praying the guys would understand.
Well, technically they weren't expecting the party to be set up but now,
they would have to help set it up.

But she wanted to stay with the dog as long as possible.
They got him fluids and brought his body temp down.
He was going to be just fine.

She locked up in growing darkness, sighing a little; happy with herself.

She turned around and something hit her face.
She crumbled to her knees, vision going out of focus and she looked up to her assailant.
She cursed. She should have known.
The creep with the truck.

"Bitch," He pushed her to the ground, slamming her head against the pavement.
She was in and out of consciousness after that.
She was face first on concrete one moment.
Next moment, she was looking up at stars.
There was no way to tell how much time passed in the blackouts.

She head someone call her name and for half a second, she thought it was Jay.
He was calling her to join him on the other side.

It would be easy to let go and follow.

But the voice wasn't Jay, and it wasn't calmly calling her to the afterlife.

It was David, and he was screaming.
She forced her eyes open, seeing the big, dumb guy above her.
Then he was suddenly gone in a flash.
She lifted her head but quickly lowered it as a wave of nausea rolled over her.

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