Important Questions

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"The whole Taco Bell thing has really raised some questions in our relationship..."

After the wedding, Lilly and David had shown the guys the cave by the sea.
It quickly became a favorite hang out spot, as well as the cliff above it became a great jumping point to the ocean for the guys.

Tonight they had lit a fire at the mouth of the cave, sitting on rocks around the flames and passed a few joints among them.

Every one had heard the Taco Bell incident and if the had objections to the fast food place themselves, the boys didn't voice them to Lilly.

David looked at Lilly as he tended the fire, eyebrows raised at her declaration.

"You're not serious...?"

She didn't answer but fought a smile.

"Frankly, I now need to know David...
What's funnier: bananas or cheese?"

David just stared for a good long while, bent over the fire.
He broke into a grin.
"You aren't ser-"

Came the quick reply from Mark.
Robert and Nick nodded slowly as if thinking the matter over.
David looked at them wide eyed before looking to Joel.

Joel shook his head, taking a long drag from the reefer.
"I know the answer and I'm not giving you any hints."

He passed the joint to Lilly who looked expectantly at David.
"Hmmm... interesting. Do you agree with the boys? I want your honest answer..."

David wasn't sure if he wanted to walk out of the cave and leave them all or just fall in the sand laughing.

Instead, he gave her the honest answer she claimed to want.

"Cheese, Lilly. Definitely cheese."

Lilly looked over to Joel who raised his arm,
extending a fist for her which she bumped.
She looked back to David and exhaled with a grin.

"I knew I loved you..."

He pulled the joint away from her while simultaneously leaning in for a kiss.
"No more for you tonight..."

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