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They spent the night wondering, curious for answers.
Until he woke up, however, all they could do was wonder.

They all sat in the living room, spread across their claimed chairs.

David sat on the couch and had pulled Lilly to sit in his lap.
"You know, I-" If David were capable of blushing, he might have.
"I realize it sounds strange, but I used to keep a wine bottle full of blood.
It might not be a bad idea to keep some around."

Lilly couldn't help the raise of her eyebrows.
"I mean... I get it but... a bottle of blood in the house?"

"Wouldn't have to be a full bottle!" David laughed.

Robert nodded in agreement.
"We could find a small vial. Just a bit.
If you had been alone Lilly, it might have saved your life.
David's blood is powerful..."

So, reluctantly, Lilly agreed.

They never received the answers they wanted.

The next night, when their visitor had risen,
he came slowly down the stairs, greeting them all with a shy nod.

They all stood and Robert took it upon himself to make the introductions.
He moved to the bottom of the staircase.

"Hello... I'm Robert. Do you remember?"

They weren't sure if his eyes were wide from lingering fear or if they were just large.
He smiled, nodding a little.

"Good... and David?"
Another nod, to Roberts question and to David.

"The woman you first met is Lilly, the red head is Joel, and the little one of Mark."

He nodded to each of them, and even giggled with them when Mark lamented.

"When did I get to be known as 'the little one'?!"

Robert turned back to the stairs, to the stranger.
"You look much better. And your name?"

His smile fell and his eyes darted around the room.

"I-... I just- I'm sorry."
He dropped, sitting on the steps as his breath sped up.
Robert was beside him instantly and the others rushed to the bottom of the stairs.
They didn't go any farther, not wanting to overwhelm him.

He seemed to allow Roberts arm around his shoulder.
Maybe he just didn't notice.
He rested his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.

"I don't know. I just don't know. I was running.
Running through the woods. I don't know why. Just had to move, to get away..."

Lilly sat on the bottom step, running her hand over his leg.
"It's okay. Just breath, slowly, in and out,"

She breathed with him a couple times, slowly, and it seemed to help.
He seemed to notice everyone's concern and Roberts arm over him.
Though a little embarrassed, he didn't stop them or move them.

"I think... the only things I can remember- ... James."
He shuddered as soon as he said it.

"No. It sounds wrong. It must be Nickolas. It's the only other thing I remember."

Robert nodded with a grin.
"Well, at least until you think of anything else, is it okay if we call you that?"

Nickolas nodded, smile almost returning.
"Are... are you all vampires, too? I swear I smell human."

They all laughed and Lilly hung her head as she raised her hand.
That got him laughing as well.

They took Nickolas down to the beach, hoping it would have a calming effect.
They lit their customary bonfire and played in the water though it was still quite cold.

David and Nickolas sat by the fire and watched as Mark and Robert tried to pull Joel completely into the water and Lilly splashed all of them as much as possible.

Nickolas watched, eyes ever wide, grinning in wonder.
David stopped watching them in the water to watch Nickolas.

"I'm guessing whatever you had before, you've never seen this."

Nickolas slowly shook his head, slowly dropping it.

"All I can remember is fear and anger..."

David slowly reached to put a hand on his shoulder, fully expecting when Nickolas jumped and prepared to remove it if requested.

"We've never regretted taking someone in.
Lilly seems to attract bloodsuckers... You could stay if you decide you like it."

David was surprised when Nick leaned over closer to him, causing his arm to lay across his back.
He wasn't sure if it was a conscious movement or if Nicolas was just so touch starved.

"We have only one rule...
Well, a couple small ones, but one big rule.
When we hunt, we never kill.
It will take some time and training, but I've taught them,
and I'm sure they are more then willing to help you, too."

"I'd like to try..."

That made David smile.

" Is she your wife? Lilly..."

"No... She's my... Everything. She calls us partners. I kinda like it.."

Robert stuck close with him the next couple days,
His background in psychology helping to calm Nickolas.

For many weeks he still looked around whatever room he was in,
eyes always seeming to search for a way out if needed.

David was also stayed close, especially when learning their no kill way of hunting.
The first time seemed easy, effortless.

The second time, David was watching at a slight distance.
He heard the prey moaning and for a moment thought Nickolas was giving them very pleasant 'suggestions'.
But he looked over his shoulder and realized they were pale and attempting to fight Nickolas off.

David charged it, pulling at Nickolas and trying as hard as he could do disengage him without further injury.
More then once David had to physically pull Nickolas off of a victim.

Everyone was patient, helped where they could, but worried.

Three months after arriving, he finally fed without incident.
He would be lying if he said he wasn't a little proud of himself.
But neither David or Robert said anything.

It wasn't till they got back to the house.
Nickolas realized they must have texted Lilly because the kitchen looked like a new years party.
Food everywhere, streamers, music, and a banner.
It read, "Welcome Home".

He grinned as well as cried.
He really wanted it to be home.

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