Salutations, Frens

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Credit to popanimals for that glorious artwork :D

(Lemon) Gerard: *pulls out a 15-page-long essay* Welcome back to the ET&Q--

Frank: AT&T?

Gerard: No.  ET&Q.  Emo Trinity and--

Mikey: *throws pancake at him* Shut up, they know what this is.

Gerard: *dodges pancake* What if they're new? What if they didn't read the original Emo Trinity/Quartet Book? Besides, we finally fulfilled Billie Joe's prophecy.  We found more bands to join our group! Please welcoooome....

Adam, Jack, Ryan: AJR!

Hayley and Taylor: AND PARAMORE!

Frank: Come ON, guys!! They learned about you guys in the last book.  Let's get on with the show already!!

Ah... the Quartet has returned, my friends, rising from the ashes LiKe A pHoEnIx! And, they've brought some new bands into their wonderful home.  What chaos could possibly ensue, with 23 people in the same home? Who knows!


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