I'm not a mind read and if I was I sure as hell wouldn't be doing this. I would be making millions reading people's thoughts and not continuously turning down offers of sex from my clients. The lead singer of the first band I was put in charge of laid the the charm on thick and me being naïve fell for the lies. At least I made him work for what he wanted and didn't fall in to bed with him on day one. No instead I made him wait two weeks.

Adam really knew how to play the game that I had no clue of the rules. He took me out on dates and made me feel special, like I was the only one. Little did I know it was all a façade. I even opened up to him about my anxiety and the little white lies I told to land my dream job. Stupid I know, but I was in love. Thought we were living the life of a romance novel. Looking back now it was anything but.

I over heard the band talking about how Adam won the bet of getting into my pants. I was devastated to learn I was only a challenge to him and the entire relationship was a lie. When I confronted him he didn't even try to deny or defend his actions. He seemed pretty pleases with himself. Even going as far as bragging how he was the first in the company to fuck me and that I should have known better then to sleep with one of my clients.

He went on to tell me the band will be requesting a manager replacement and since I was a good lay he wouldn't share with my boss the reason why. My first day of orientation we were told that even though nothing in paper says we can't sleep with our clients we still shouldn't and since the probationary period is six months we would be let got for something like that. He also told me that in order for him to keep his mouth shut about all the things I shared with him I needed to sleep with him one more time. One more for the road he said.

Not wanting to be forced out of my dream job by a bully nor wanting to return home a failure I caved and slept with the fucker. Not one of my better decisions, but so far he has kept his word and I haven't seen him since. He did try to convince me to continue our dirty affair, but I all out refused. Sure I could have went to Mr. Gear about this, but Adam makes the company a great deal of money and I didn't have a leg to stand on.

This seemed to only be the start of my down fall. I don't know if Adam some how had influence over the other bands and was convincing them to drop me or if the reasons they have were real for wanting me replaced. Personality clashing and inexperience were the main ones. I have a feeling my time working here was getting shorter and shorter. With each band I was removed from I could see Mr. Gear getting more and more frustrated with me.

If I still get fired sleeping with Adam will be for nothing. I already felt like a whore because of it. This meeting with him can't be anything, but bad. Another band saying they want me removed. How can I show my worth if no one will give me a chance? For the thousandth time I wish I had never gotten involved with Adam. I've more then learned my lesson. From now on I will never get romantically or sexually involved with one of my clients.

Finally I reach Mr. Gear's office and approach his secretary. I'm pretty sure he was sleeping with her even though he was married. "Good Morning. My name is Aubree Parker," I tell her even though she should know my name by now due to all the meetings I've needed to have with our boss. "I have an appointment with Mr. Gear for ten." I tell her fidgeting with my purse strap.

"One moment please," she says while picking up a phone to call him. "Mr. Gear a Ms. Parker is here to see you."

I can hear him over the phone complain about how I was late. I check my phone for the time and discover it was ten on the dot, but I was still considered late. Pompous jackass. I will work on always being early versus on time because I'm tired of having to deal with this. Then again I may be out of a job. I can feel my anxiety rising, but I beat it back down with a baseball bat. There is no room for that here. I dig deep and pull up my shield and fall into the character I have created for myself.

She turns her attention to me. "Mr. Gear will see you now. You can head straight in."

I nod my head and hold myself up straight and walk into his office. No way was I going to let either one of them see me crumble.

"Have a seat," he says without looking up from his computer. I take a seat siting on the edge of the chair. "Aubree I have another transfer request." Of course.

"Sir I can explain," I start to say, but he cuts me off.

"I'm running out of bands or musicians I can connect you with. If you have no clients then you have no employment with the company." He explain to me in a level tone never once taking his eyes off his computer. His lack of respect to his employees was something I quickly learned to except.

"Sir there has to more happening here." I say thinking once again about is Adam trying to sabotage me because I didn't want to continue the affair. But I can't share those thoughts with Mr. Gear.

He raises his head from his computer, "Aubree I don't have the energy or desire to do any investigation. I can easily find someone to replace you." My heart falls from my chest and to my feet. This really was the end. "I'm giving you one more chance." I was lost in my thoughts of what I was going to once I was jobless I almost missed his statement.

"Thank you sir." I stammer. "I promise I won't disappoint you this time Mr. Gear." I sit up straighter in my chair.

He points his finger at me shaking it. "If this band requests a transfer your time here will be at an end. You better make this work."

"Of course sir," I assure him with a nod. "Can you tell me a little bit about them so I can prepare for our first meeting."

He checks the clock. "Well since you are meeting them in the next few minutes I'll share what I'm able to." My eyes pop out of my head. I was going to meet them now? Usually we were given a day or two to prepare before we met our new clients. "If you had been on time you would have had more time to prepare."

I bit my tongue from telling him off that I was on time. Just not on time by his standards. Blowing up at my boss over this was not the way to go about keeping my job. I simply nod my head and pull out my notebook preparing myself to write some notes about the band.

Mr. Gear leans his elbows on the desk and links his fingers. He keeps his steady gaze on me and I unconsciously squirm under the pressure of it. "The bands name is Steel Wolf."

Cliffhanger I know, but the next chapter will pick up where this one ended. I have a feeling a good portion of this book will be set in flashback, but we shall see. I don't want it to be the entire story. Dimitri's and Skylar's past we learned through a range of different ways. This time I'm trying something new.

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now