4: Underestimates & Escapes

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Olive POV

Yesterday I went to the fighting ring as a normal person. What I didn't expect was to find Tyler, Adam, and Jake there.

At first I panicked but I remembered that I had my brown contact lenses in and I wasn't dressed like a nerd.

I went over and watched the fight while maybe listening to their conversations. When they brought me up, or Queen Karma up I was pissed when they thought I was a guy.

I confronted the gang and told them about me. They didn't seem very impressed so I left.

Currently I'm laughing with Eli because Tyler just came over to me as Queen Karma and demanded I join his 'gang'. I wish I could see his face if he found out I was QK.

He stomped out like a 3 year old child. The announcer calls and says I have another fight.

I go up and see I'm up against a college boy. When he sees me he looks down and rolls his eyes.

I clench my jaw. How lovely his blood will look on the ground.


He lunges. Trying to catch me off guard. It doesn't work. I kick him in the gut. Not wasting anytime I swipe his legs from under him and watch him fall.

He tries getting up but i jump on him. Since he was kneeling he's in a very uncomfortable position that's probably painful.

I make sure to keep his arms locked beneath my knees before grabbing his brown hair.

I punch his nose and shiver in delight at the crack it releases. I stare at the thick red blood flowing down his face him awe.

I glaring at him and growl out to his ugly face.

"I bet you regret thinking I was weak" Then I punch his temple and grin has his eyes roll back and he goes limp under me.

"WINNER QUEEN KARMA!" The announcer shouts to everyone. I take an overdramatic bow and hop off the raised platform.

I look at the big clock and my eyes widen it's 1am. Carter's been sick these last couple days, that's way I've been leaving school early.

The school keeps calling me to come pick him up. Yesterday I had to explain my situation to Mr. Arson and he had no choice but to let me go.

I ran towards Eli and yell at him

"Flashback! I gotta go!" He looks at me and calls goodbye. I go and collect my money from my 2 fights then go outside.

I'm rushing to my bike when I hear a twig snap. Instantly I stop and take in my surroundings.

Just then I feel something press against my leather jacket. It makes a popping sound.

A gun.

I look up and see Tyler and Adam in front of me. That means Jake's behind. I look at the two boys and notice that they don't have guns. It's only one. I can do this.

"Here's what's gonna happen Karma-" I don't let that dick Tyler finish below I turn and kick the gun out of Jake's hand.

Punching him in the nose I quickly grab the gun and aim for the nearest true. I shoot. And shoot, and shoot until all the bullets are gone.

I hear someone's footsteps behind me and I soon and wack the barrel of the gun into the face.

I hear a thump and look down to see Adam unconcious, bleeding from the side of his head.

"Whoops" I say innocently. Jake runs at me and I have him "sleeping" on the floor within 2 minutes.

I look at Tyler pissed that he would think they could take me.

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