10: The Lone Tear & Regret

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Olive POV

I walked into school and saw that everyone was already in class. I headed towards first period.

When I knocked and went in I was surprised to see Tyler there. His face was better but still messed up.

When he saw me a huge evil smirk broke out on his face. Oh my god. What does he have planned now.

I sat as far away as possible but I could still feel 3 pairs of eyes burning in the back of my head.

Tyler POV

We had a plan. I was gonna interrogate Olive in the cafeteria to the point where she fights me. Hopefully she says her sentence.

That would mean she would give her identity to everyone because the boys will be videotaping.

Everyone will know her real identity. Including other gangs and fighters. She'll be constantly harrassed by people in both sides of her.

Eventually she'll need our help. And if that doesn't work I'll threaten Olive with her brother.

I know it's cruel but I am not one to give up. Anyway, being in my gang will be better for her.

Their was a knock on the door and the teacher answered it. Olive walked in and when she saw me she looked suprised.

I can't believe her. She knew it was me and still beat me to the pulp as Queen Karma. I know we teased her but seriously!

I felt a satisfied grin of maliciousness snake it's way over my lips thinking of revenge.

Oh little Olive. You will join me soon.

Olive POV


Finally! I thought lunch would never come. I got to the cafeteria and got my food. The normal shoving and snide remarks happened but I ignored everything.

I was just about to leave with my food when I heard my name being called.

"Olive!" It wasn't kind but rude and demanding attention.

I turned around to see Tyler standing about 2 meters back staring at me.

"I heard you did really good on the self defence classes yesterday." The demon mocks stepping closer.

I put on my nerd act and stuttered "W-what?"

He rolled his eyes and his voice boomed.

"I know it's all an act!" I felt my face visibly pale. Every word Tyler spoke he stood a step towards me.

"I know that you fake being a nerd so no one will catch onto your secret double life. What do your parents think about you being a street fighter?"

Holy fuck

This can't be happening. I see at least 50 students video taping and every fucking person is listening.

Tyler's just standing there smirking. How did he find out!

"Oh wait! Your parents are dead because you weren't strong enough to protect them. So you trained and you became a street fighter!"

I heard the whole room suck in a breath and it felt like I was choking. How did he know about my parents.

I wanted to cry. Unshed tears I've held back for 3 years blurred my eyes as I stared at Satan himself.

"Am I right! You were a little weakling that couldn't save them! They died because of you! It's your fault!" He roared. It sounded like my uncle. By now Tyler was right in front of me.

He said one more thing.


My sadness turned to anger.

Anger for Tyler.

Anger for my parents

Anger for the gang that killed them

Anger for my life.

Everything went red. I was in the ring. And Tyler was my opponent.

I threw my tray and lunged. I had so much rage.

I punched him over and over.





And the screams. They reminded me that I was not weak. Because I was not screaming they were.

I chucked Tyler against the wall and walked towards him, dangerously slow. I pulled him up by his hair and shoved his body against the wall.

His face was a mixture of red, blue, and a beautiful purple. I held his throat, robbing oxygen from his lungs.

He scratched at my hands and was about to black out so I yelled what I always say but at the top of my lungs.


I see him struggle then a smile fights it's way on his face.

Then the whispers.

"That's Queen Karma's phrase!"

"That's her famous sentence!"

"Karma says that right before she wins!"

"Is that her?!"

Then I hear Jake yell to everyone, confirming everything.

"Did you hear the Nerd Goes By Queen Karma!!"





Fucking hell.

He didn't.

I instantly drop Tyler.

He planned this.

Tyler POV

I coughed and coughed as the air invaded my throat. I'm sure her fingerprints would be on me for a week.

I saw her spin around frantically. She was pale as a sheet and looked like she was about to faint.

Olive looked at me and for the first time she gave me the least expected response.

"Great job. You've outed me. But I will never join your gang Tyler." Then a loan tear fell down her white cheeks and dripped on the floor.

I made Olive cry. I've never seen Olive cry. And it was like in a movie when everything fades.

The only thing I saw was her teardrop.





Then it hit the ground and everything rushed into my head again. I saw that Olive looked horrible.

My smile faded and I scanned the room in destress. Whispering. Whispering was everywhere. People were laughing and teasing her. Olive turned on her heel and fled the buzzing cafeteria.

What did I just do?

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