8: Alleys & Missions

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Olive POV

I woke up late because I was home late at night. I leapt out of bed and through on my nerd attire. So baggy everything and glasses.

Making sure my hair was tucked in I grabbed Carter who was just finished eating and raced to my bike.

I had to drop Carter off so when I finally got to school I was 10 minutes late. I walked through the empty halls to my locker and quickly grabbed all my stuff.

I dashed down the hall towards my first class. I knocked on the door and listened to the lecture the teacher gave me.

When he asked if I understood I lifted my head and nodded. Bad idea. He gasped and stared at my face.

"Olive what happened to your face!" He asks shakily.


"Oh uh this?" I questioned. Touching my swollen, busted lip.

"I fell down the stairs and but my lip." He seemed to believe me.


I ran to the back and slunk down in my seat. Then I noticed something, quickly scanning all the bored students my theory was confirmed. Tyler wasn't here.

Adam and Jake weren't either. Man, I wanted to see what damage I had done to his stupid handsome face.

Finally, it was gym. Last period. I was so done with school. Everyone was whispering and teasing me all day and I was gonna punch someone VERY soon.

I sat on the bleachers with everyone as my teacher came up.

"Okay everyone, today we're gonna try something different. We have a special here in self-defense he's gonna teach you some moves!" Mr. Alana called.

Everyone groaned but I just smirked. A tall, buff man came up. I saw that he was actually one of my opponents in the ring a couple days ago.

He called out "Okay everyone! I would like to show you an example. Is there anyone here that would like to challenge me?"

As everyone avoided eye contact and looked scared, I did the worst thing I could've done being a nerd.

I chuckled. It was quiet but compared to the silent room I might as well yelled "fuckhead".

Then, stupid blonde bimbo called out. "Mr! I think the nerd wants to!"

No! I couldn't show I could fight here!

My old opponent looked at me and then turned back to barbie.

"Maybe a more.......worthy example for now." That fucking man-whore said. Oh hell he would get away with this.

I stood right up, not even aware of my actions. All I wanted- needed was to see his pain. He deserved it.

I went up to him. I heard whispers weak, nerd, and geek they just fueled my burning rage.

I fucking hated pretending to be the nerd. I stood right in front of him and said in a low, snarl.


He looked cocky and smirked before getting into an okay fighting stance. I got into mine and I saw his eyes flash in surprise as he saw how perfect I was standing.

He through a weak punch at my face so I turned around and punched his gut. I was in the ring now. Everything faded.

Right hook

Left kick


Went his nose. I saw blood and my rage went down. I noticed where I was and my eyes widened

The Nerd Goes By Queen KarmaWhere stories live. Discover now