12: Notes & Bullets

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Olive POV

It's been two days since Tyler's threat and I'm constantly checking over my shoulder.

I saw Tyler coming out the door after school so I quickly started my bike and drove out of there.

He fucking is trying to kill me. I have a lot of money saved but I need a job. And he still thinks I'll join his gang.

So stupid.

I arrived at Carter's schools and throughly scanned the area. When it was good I ran inside and waited for my brother.

When the bell rang I ran up to him, picked him up, and swung Carter up in the air.

My brother squealed and giggled and I felt a smile light up my face. He was my world now.

We waved to the teacher and together we headed back to my bike. Then we drove home.

I was making dinner and loading the dishwasher so I called.

"Car babe! Can I have your lunch kit?" I was answered with the pounding of tiny steps.

"Here Nollie!" Carter holds up his dinasour lunch bag for me. I smiled and thanked him. He went back to whatever he was doing.

I was still smiling when I pulled the containers out. Just then a piece of paper fluttered out onto the counter.

I grabbed it tentatively.

Dear Olive,
We know where your precious brother is. I would expect you to either come over to us or have this little boy come with us.... freely or forcefully. We're not giving up.

The Scorpian Gang

(Ps) Check under your precious brother's bed Queen Karma

I was having a small panic attack. They knew everything. I slowly lifted my head and took in everything.

Nobody in sight. How do they know where I live?!

I heard my heart beat pounding in my ears as I neared me and my brother's room. I saw that he was in the living room so I quickly jumped past and entered.

I ducked down and saw a small box. I pulled it out. Scared that it would be a bomb or something.

My breathes were shaky and laboured. I sat on the bed and lifted the lid off. I opened it and there inside was a piece of hair.

I looked closer at it and saw that it was ragged at the edge, meaning it was cut. I didn't think it was that scary, just gross until I saw another slip of paper.

If we can get this close to your brother and for him to not notice I'm sure taking him wouldn't be a stretch either Olive. Choose wisely



Just then did i notice how quiet my brother had gotten.

"CARTER!" I screamed in panic. I shot up, dropping the box and ran to the door.

Just as I was about to exit I ran into my brother. Letting out a huge breath in relief i picked him up and hugged the living day lights out of him.

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