1: Nerds & Badboys

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Olive POV

I won.

Cheering, I throwing my taped fists in the air. The cheers get louder.

I hop out of the ring, a smile on my face. I go and take the stack of bills out of the announcers hand.

"Smashed his little ass just like I thought you would"

My trainer, best friend, and only father figure tells me, his voice proud.

"Course I did. He called me weak. They don't call me Queen Karma for nothing." I tell him, clear disgust in my voice. Taking a swig of the ice cold water in my hand I listen to Elijah.

"Q it's almost 2am you should get back home."

I nod my head. I should. My little 8 year old brother Carter is asleep in our shitty apartment alone.

"Bye Flashback" I mock Elijah, using his fighter name. He rolls his eyes playfully before saying

"Fuck off" I instantly flip him off over my shoulder as I hear that.

I head to me and Eli's personal room. We're the two best street fighters in the whole country.

Pulling my oversized grey sweatshirt over my head, I pull the black mask off my face that covers from my forehead and to the bottom of my nose.

I lift my hip-length black wavy hair out of the collar of my shirt and turn to the mirror.

The red contacts I'm wearing cover my bright silver eyes. In my opinion my original eyes are beautiful but since their so rare someone could recognize me. I can't have anyone knowing my identity. That could risk Carter's safety.

He's my everything. 2 years ago, when I was just 16 I found out my parents happened to get in the middle of a gang fight and were both killed from gunshots.

I've been raising Carter for two years now. Since I wasn't of legal age they put us with out uncle.

He didn't like us. I made Carter a 6 year old Carter run away with me. I started street fighting for 3 reasons.

1: I needed the money and it was the most well paying.

2: I needed to be able to protect myself and Carter from everyone.

3: I needed to learn how to fight so I could murder the fuckers who killed my parents.

I parked my beautiful black bike in the parking lot of the disgusting apartment building I called home.

Pulling my helmet off I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder.

Quietly as possible, I unlocked door number 17 and pushed it open. I dumped all my stuff at the door and went to the bathroom.

After taking a quick warmish shower I slid into bed with my little brother. Kissing his black hair I whisper goodnight before closing my eyes.



I grunt and roll over.

"Nollie get off me you weigh the same as an elephant!"

I prop myself over Carter and fake gasp, pretending to be hurt.

"How dare you Car?! This is all muscle!" I tell him flexing one of my arms. Showing off my pretty impressive muscles.

"Yah right!" He smirks at me. I smirk back and his smile fades.

"I guess the.....TICKLE MONSTER could change your mind!" I say before quickly tickling his stomach.

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