7: Copycats & Instant Karma

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Olive POV

I have a fight tonight. Some copycat named King Regret.

Like can you get any closer to Queen Karma!? Ugh!

It's currently the last period and I'm seriously creeped out. All day I've felt Tyler's stare on me. It feels like he's reading my mind.

Wait a minute.

Tyler if you can hear me blink

Tyler: blinks


Tyler if you can hear this scratch you eyebrow.


I'm close to hyperventilating. Okay one more.

Tyler if you can hear this go jump of a cliff.

I hold my breathe and.........

Tyler does nothing.

Damn it.

I was so close.

Just then the bell rang and I let out a small yelp. Everyone started laughing and I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

I quickly got up and was heading for the door when I felt a hand on my arm. It pulled me back and I fell into a wall.

What the fuck. When did a wall get there. I shook it off and tried to see who did it but was just met with a black tshirt.

Freezing, I stopped and looked up to see Tyler looking at me with a glint in his eyes. Of course he thought pulling me into his fucking brick like chest was funny.

I tried to pull away but you see Tyler had other intentions. He grabbed my other arm and pulled me closer to him.

He smelt really nice.

What the fuck! No! I hate this dude! Common brain! Keep up!

"What's your name?" Tyler asked me. Damn that kinda hurt. He doesn't even know my name.

"Nothing you need to know." I saw rudely before forcing myself out of his grip and heading out of the school.

I just couldn't help but notice the pang of hurt that stabbed my chest because he didn't even know my name...

Tyler POV

The nerd almost looked sad but it was a very quick flash of whatever emotion it was.

After school Adam had told us he had to pick up his 9 year old sister. When we did she had begged us for chocolate.

I pulled into the nearest gas station and saw a familiar bike in the parking lot. "No way" I thought to myself.

When we walked in I saw a couple other people but not to many. While Adam's sister, Lila, went with the other two boys to get a food, I went to get a root beer.

As I walked I heard voices. I rounded the corner and saw a group of guys about my age surrounding something.

I saw a mob of black hair that kinda looked like the little boy's that was with nerdy.

They were taunting him about something when I heard a loud, commanding voice.

"UNHAND MY BROTHER!" I looked and saw the back of a REALLY hot girl. I  noticed she had long black hair kinda like....

No way!

"Or what princess?" One of the boys asked nerdy.

"Or I'll knock you out so hard you'll be in next week honey."

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