13: Goodbyes & The End

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Tyler POV





"Demon clock shut up" I groaned desperately. My head was pounding.

"Dude! Tyler are you okay!?" I hear one of my friends voices.

"Bro it's to early leave me the fuck alone" I mumble into the pillow.

"Oof. You'd think he'd be grateful because we saved his ass from dieing." Adam mutters

"WHAT!" I scream. Shooting upright fast. Bad idea. My abdomen screamed in pain.

"Here" someone said handing me pills. I try swallowed them and I felt my headache subside.

"Do you remember what happened?" Jake this time.

"Uhhhh" I searched my foggy mind. "Well Olive wouldn't join the gang, so I told Nathan to go through and kidnap Carter. Then when we were talking Carter came in and laughed at us. He said his sister would bring down hell to find him. That freaked everyone out. Then Olive came in dragging John and Matt who were all bloody and she put a gun to Jake's head. Then she threatened me, then, then."

My eyes widened. I looked down and saw my bare stomach at a white bandage all the why around my torse.

"THEN SHE FUCKING SHOT ME!" I yelled getting out of bed. I was going to find her.

Everyone tried to stop me but i put my hand up to silence them. I hobbled out of the doctors we have in my house. I stumbled up the stairs and got in the passenger seat of my Mercedes.

Adam got in the driver's seat.

"Go" he knew where to.

Halfway to school I asked them.

"How long was I out?" Adam and Jake gave each other a hesitant look before saying "3 days"

I huffed, frustrated. My crush, the badass Olive shot me because I kidnapped her brother so she would join my gang. I need to be able to control her if I can keep people safe.

When we got to school I limped inside and went to the office.

"Can you call Olive to the office please?" I grumbled to the lady. She gave me a sympathetic look then said.

"Sorry hun but Olive left the school 2 days ago. She said she was moving away." No fucking way.

I turned and jogged back to the car and demanded we go to Olive's house.

Olive POV

It's been 2½ days of packing and I'm finally done. I moved the last box into the mover van and clapped my hands together, making dust fly up.

I pulled me and Carter out of our schools and wrapped up our whole lives into a car. My bike was sitting in the huge truck along with the interior of my apartment.

Carter came skipping out with his backpack full of snacks and toys. I smiled at him. Just then my timer rang. 1 hour until me and my brother's flight.

I hailed a taxi and saw it pull up, ready to take us to the airport. I stared at the empty rooms and felt tears come. Yes, I had no friends and was bullied but I still liked it here. My parents gravestones were here.

I said a final hard goodbye and stepped out, inhaling a deep breathe. I pulled Carter into the yellow car and it started up.

30 minutes of silent driving later, we were here. Me and Carter went through security and finally fell into the chairs by the door to our flight.

"FLIGHT B 354 PLEASE COME TO THE BORDING GATE NOW." I looked at Carter and asked.

"Are you ready?" He answered what every sister wanted to here.

"Nollie I'm ready as long as I'm with you." I teared up at him. We embraced and stood in line at the gate. Handing over the tickets to the lady I took one last look behind me.

Then I stepped through.

Tyler POV

I went up to her apartment and burst through the door. I almost cried in pain as I saw the empty walls of the suite.

I ran back down and yelled "To the airport. Now!"

I needed my sweet Olive back.

When we arrived I saw a plane rolling away. In the middle window I saw her. Carter was on her lap and they were both laughing and smiling. Then Carter saw me. He pointed and Olive turned to me.

She didn't show any emotion. I stood in pain as Olive turned.

Little did I know that was the last time I would ever see her glittery silver eyes.

Olive POV

We walked through the plane, trying to find our seats and finally did.

I sat down and waited as the speakers filled with the voice of the lady who explains all the rules and ways you could die.


The lady started talking in French and Carter mocked her. I pulled him onto my lap and laughed along with him. Just then i saw his face change and he pointed out the window.

I followed his finger and saw the least expected person.


I stood staring. Not really knowing what to do. You're all probably waiting for the love to spark in my eyes and I run out of the plane and into his arms like a cliché romance book but I didn't.

I turned away from him and didn't look back. The plane started moving and I sucked in a breathe.

Here we go.


It's been 4 hours and I'm looking at the puffy white clouds in the sky. I can't help but be proud.

Some people say everyone's weak. Some people say girls are weak. Most people think I'm weak. But I am not weak. But it was just a matter of time until I figured out that I didn't need to be Queen Karma to be strong.

For I am the quiet one who has things to say. I am the shy one that can beat anyone up. I am the independent one that would crumble without her brother. I am the open book who has the most secrets. I am seen as the weakest but am the strongest.

For I am the nerd that goes by Queen Karma.

I am Olive.

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