6: Ice Cream & Crushes

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Olive POV

My heartbeats trumming in my ears as Tyler enters the class. Thank God the teachers here.

It's been about 35 minutes and my phone goes off. No one calls me except for Eli and Carter's school.

I jump up and sprint out of the class, not listening to the teacher screaming threats at me.

Mrs Helling

Mrs. Helling! Is Carter sick again!?

Olive! I'm so so sorry! Some kids were bullying him and the teacher didn't notice. He's gone! We, we can't find him!

What did you say

I'm so sorry! We can't find him!

I'm coming.

(End of call)

I run back to the class just to slam into Mr. Rickard.

"Mr. Rickard! It's my brother! I have to go!" I tell him really fast. Internally panicking. He's all I have left.

We ramble on for a minute before the dumbass teacher remembers I don't have parents.

He allows me to go and I dash to my locker immediately. Slamming it shut I head right to the doors but Miss. Jenny, the office secretary stops me.

"Olive hun what's wrong!?" She gets up in alarm.

"My brother was being bullied at school about not having parents and they died tomorrow 3 years ago. He ran off and the school can't find him!" I don't miss the hysteria that creeps into my voice at the end of my ramble.

She gives me a emphatic look before wishing me luck.

I ran all the way to my bike and by the end I'm sweaty and gross. Not checking my surroundings very well I rip my sweatshirt off and throw on my normal clothes.

Then i get on my bike and speed off. When i reach Carter's school I'm shaking I'm so scared.

"Carter!" I yell after I park. I'm frantically looking around for his mob of black hair or blue eyes. Just anything.

Just as I'm about to go inside I hear a small voice. "Nollie?" Only one person in the whole world calls me that.

My brother.

"CARTER!" I scream. Doing a 360.

"NOLLIE!" I hear the agony in his voice. I see a figure sprint across the lawn towards me. I meet my baby brother halfway and catch his small frame easily as he jumps into my arms.

"Nollie! They said mommy and daddy rejected me because I was a worthless brat! Mommy and daddy didn't leave us!" He wails into my shirt.

I slowly start singing a song my mom used to sing to us when we were younger.

He slowly started calming down so I whispered comforting things to him and rocked soothingly back and forth on my heels.

After a good 5 minutes he falls asleep and I hear his even breathing. I pick up my phone and call Mrs. Helling.

She repeatedly apologized and explained that it was Diamond. Courtney's evil daughter that teased him to the point where he was close to a panick attack.

After I'm done the phone call I sigh in defeat and take Carter to my bike. I smile slightly as I see him safe and finally take in my surroundings.

I feel like someone's watching us. I quickly pull away from the parking lot and go to the one place I know will help us.

"Can I have the swirly one Nollie, like the one with 2 different flavors?" Carter asks me, putting his 2 fingers up.

I chuckle at him before ordering to the middle aged women. She gives us a sweet smile and I'm reminded of my mother.

I quickly take out ice creams and sit down outside the store. We bask in the sun and I've gone through about 17'000 napkins because of my little brother.

When Carter takes a big bite of the creamy wonder and then yells out holding his head.

"Brain Freeze!!" I can't help but laugh out loud. He's hilarious. After we're done out ice cream we get one my bike and head home for the night.

It's the next day and I woke up to  Carter kissing my face. WAYYYY better than that devil clock.

After I get Carter to school reassuring him he'll be okay I head to school. I walk the last couple steps into school and enter to see an empty school.

I'm early.

By FIFTEEN minutes!

I go and sit under a tree while listening to my playlist. When a loud ring that doesn't fit into the beat of my song sounds I'm guessing school started.

I start walking in when I open the door I see the Tyler and his 'gang' by their lockers.

Shit everything

I try to go unnoticed and it's......


I glance up to see the boys whispering to each other, every once in a while looking at me.

Oh no.

I get out of there as fast as I possible can.

What are they planning for me?


It's after school and I manage to sneak through THE WHOLE FUCKING DAY without any attention from Tyler.

What's happening?

Tyler POV

We left nerdy alone today because maybe I felt the tiny pinch of pity for her.

And she did look really hot on that bike yesterday.

What WHAT! What the fuck! Did I just call the nerd hot!?

Well she wasn't really acting like a nerd when we saw her. Me and the boys decided to follow her again today and see what happens.

The exact same thing as yesterday goes on. Nerdy pretends to walk, then a mile away changed into badass clothes and rides a bike to that boy's school.

This time though she doesn't have to yell for him, he comes out with all the other kids.

We follow her black bike to a children's park. It's deserted completly surrounded by thick trees and plants.

We all duck down behind a particularly large bush and watch. This time nerdy was in jeans. When she took off her hoodie I was surprised when they had rips below her ass cheeks and all over the thighs.

She changed into a white crop tshirt and a leather jacket and we found out her glasses are fake!

The most shocking thing though was finding out her short black hair was actually all the way to her hips!

I'm seriously suspicious of this so called "nerd".

I have to admit when she gets off her bike I can't help but stare. She is really....beautiful. she has all the looks and curves.

Just then I hear music start to play and see that nerdy- what's her name!? The boy calls her 'Nollie' but I doubt that's her real name.

Anyway the music for "Rockabye" come on and all the sudden nerdy starts......SINGING!?

I'm blown away. Nerdy starts singing

She tells him "oh love"
No one's gonna ever hurt you, love
I'm gonna give you all my love
Nobody matters like you!

And to surprise me more the 8 year old starts rapping the guy part! It sounds amazing I'm left flabbergasted.

When the song finishes they both burst into giggles and the boy jumps on nerdy.

Her smile is radiant and I feel my stomach flutter.

What the actual fuck! Did I actually call the nerd radiant! Do I, I, have a c-crush on the NERD!

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