Merry Christmas - fluff

626 8 50

Words: 2903

This is part 1 of a two-part story

Christmas Eve - Christmas Day

Warnings: blood, cursing, awkward flirting, Sans, crappy Christmas jokes, slight sex joke, long kiss/near makeout

Human AU


Mettaton's eyes narrow as he crouches slightly, leaning forward, closer to his target, ready to run. He takes a deep breath as he blinks, opening his eyes again before stepping forward, breaking into a quick running start before leaping up.

He is too far over to the right.

His fingertips brush against where they need to be, slightly lower than intended, and Mettaton realises all too late.

The golden star in his left hand misses its stand at the top of the tree, and he braces himself for impact.

His body collides with the tree, knocking the wind out his lungs with surprising force. His arms wrap around the rough branches instinctively, his fingers curling randomly. The fake pins scratch roughly against his fingers, some scraping across the skin and others just managing to split it.

The boy curses as the tree tips.

"Shit, shit, SHIT-" crash.


Almost immediately, his cousin Napsta appears in the living room doorway, their blue eyes wide. Their voice comes out a tad faster and higher than usual, indicating their concern for their cousin's safety.

"Mettaton, are you okay...?" True to fashion, their voice trails off at the end of their question. What greets them is quite the sight.

Mettaton pushes his body off the tree, landing on his back on the carpeted floor. His shoulder-length black hair pools around his head in slight, soft, gentle waves as he wraps his right arm around his stomach, a strip of skin of his lower torso just visible beneath it. His eyes are closed as if in pain, but a light smile is on his lips, a faint laugh escaping as he runs his now-empty other hand across the exposed left side of his face. He pushes himself up into a sitting position before righting the tree, snatching the star from the carpet and stretching as far as he can, ignoring the stinging feeling coming from... somewhere.

The golden star just reaches its destination, catching the topmost point of the tree and sitting proudly over its festive kingdom on all sides.

Mettaton sighs as he relaxes, shaking his head slowly as he chuckles to himself. A small gasp from the hallway reaches his ears, one that doesn't sound like it came from Napsta.

Is someone else there?

Before he can turn his head to face them, Mettaton is scooped up into someone's arms and carried out the living room with surprising ease. The person brings him to the kitchen, where Asgore and Toriel raise their eyebrows in unison.

"Wha- oh dear." Toriel's eyes evidently land on something as they widen almost comically and she stops chopping the carrot on the board in front of her. She pulls a first aid kit from one of the cupboards and gestures for Mettaton to be placed on a chair at the dining table.

Confused, and still unaware of who is carrying him, he allows his body to be gently dropped into a chair as Toriel opens the kit and grabs a medium-sized plaster, an antibacterial wipe and a small tube of cream.

"This may sting a bit at first, but it'll help." Toriel unwraps the antibacterial wipe and starts gently dabbing at Mettaton's stomach area. Immediately, he winces and hisses through his teeth, his eyes squeezing shut and his head turning to the side on instinct. His breathing speeds up slightly, and Toriel apologises. Realising he may be able to see who lifted him through the house from his head's position, Mettaton opens his eyes, only to be greeted with the sight of a plain, crystal white t-shirt.

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