Chapter Thirty-Four

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George let out a sigh as he sat, leaned against the wall, listening to the trickle of water that echoed throughout the room.

Yesterday, or at least what he assumed to have been yesterday (his perception of time was not great in the room), he'd met the prince.

Tubbo, his name was.

The boy had sat with him, not caring about the water drenching his clothes, and had talked with the merman. Tubbo had told him his plans of going to find Dream, and George had protested, not wanting him to get in trouble, but the teenager had been adamant on the fact that he was going to help.

So George had given him a message to give to Dream. He just hoped the man would listen.

George scratched the back of his neck, chains rattling against the cold wall. Knowing Dream, it would be all the more incentive to come and get him.

Don't get him wrong, George did not want to be here. He wanted more than anything else to be on the ship, with Dream and the rest of the crew, but he needed Dream to be safe.

He wouldn't be able to live with himself if someone got hurt because of him.

George shook slightly, but it was not from the cold. Rather, it was from the fear of what was to come. Would he stay in here forever, just a pawn in Schlatt's game? He had no idea. And not knowing scared him. 

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and the form of a man he did not know stood there.

He wore a red coat and lots of gold jewellery, and his pink hair was long, plaited into a braid that swung to his back.

George raised an eyebrow, shuffling back a little bit, and the man rolled his eyes.

He crossed through the room and flicked a key out from his belt. George eyed the sword in a case strapped to the side of the man's belt as the man leaned forward. He grabbed George's cuff's and unlocked them, chains falling to the floor with a splash.

George brought his hands together and rubbed his wrists, wincing at the red marks and small cuts from the tightness of them. 

The man leaned down and picked him up, and George let out a squeak of surprise as he was lifted into the air, droplets of water falling off him.

The man started to move towards the door, and George hit his chest.

"What the fuck, dude!" he growled out, and he saw the man huff.

"Schlatt wants you to transform." the man says, voice unwavering.

"What? Why? Who even are you?" George said as they turned down a hallway.

" My name is Technoblade." the pink-haired man answered, choosing to ignore the other two questions.

George narrowed his eyes. What is with humans and these weird fucking names?

"That's a dumb name." George grumbled, and Technoblade glanced down at him.


"Your name. It's weird." 

The man shrugged, George still in his arms.

He moved towards a room, a dry room, at that, and dumped George on a bed. The merman yelped in surprise, bouncing slightly, before whipping his head up to glare at Technoblade.

The man shrugged, leaning against the now shut door.

"Why do I have to transform?" George grumbled, uncertainty leaking into his words.

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