Chapter Thirty-Three

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Dream felt sick to his stomach as the guards forcefully pulled him from the room. They dragged him past the carriage that waited under the 'peaceful' trees, obviously not trusting him not to make a run for it.

Good, be scared.

He glared at them with anger, despite them being unable to see it because of the pale white mask that covered his face.

They continued to pull him down the hill as he stumbled, unable to walk normally. His foot tripped on a rock, making dust crumble underneath him as they moved.

Dream continued to shove against them, trying desperately to escape and run to George. It was no luck.

"Let go of me!" he growled out, but they did not respond. His protests were carried away by the wind.

They passed by trees, a small creek, and lots and lots of dirt.

Dream surveyed all of his surroundings, desperately trying to map the path they were taking through his mind.

Soon enough, he began to see the village, and people stared at him in curiosity as they slipped out from behind a store, being marched towards his ship.

Finally, they let go of him, gesturing for him to board.

Dream let out a yell as he lunged forward, throwing a punch towards the closest guard. His fist collided with the man's cheek, and the guard let out a cry of shock, stumbling back and bringing his hand to his cheek. 

The other guard shoved Dream towards the ramp. The man pushed him up, pointing his sword at him until Dream was standing upon the ship, no longer on the ramp.

"Do not come back, or we'll kill all of them." the man gestured behind Dream, and the blonde realised with dread that his crew was probably standing right behind him.

Dream hesitated, and the man grunted, walking down to the dock and removing the ramp.

Dream watched them with eyes of steel as they left, continuing to stare until they disappeared behind the village.

"Dream?" Phil's careful voice called from behind him, and the man turned around slowly.

All of his crew stood there with wary eyes, and Dream shoved his mask off his face, resting it on top of his head, as he usually did. He'd been in a state of shock before, but now all the emotions started to hit him.

George. They had George.

"Dream," Tommy said warily, "where's George?"

Dream gulped, tears starting to run down his face.

"They took him." he whispered, but everyone heard him despite his quiet tone.

"What?" Tommy echoed, voice cracking slightly. 

Sapnap rushed forward, opening his arms as Dream collapsed into them.

Dream gripped onto Sapnap's shirt, tears streaking down his cheeks.

"They took him, Sapnap," Dream mumbled into Sapnap's shoulder as Dream shook, "they took him."

Sapnap rubbed his back soothingly, gripping the man tighter.

"It's ok, Dream." he murmured, trying to calm him down. Dream shook his head, sobbing into Sapnap's shoulder.

"It's not okay!" he yelled, "They took him! He's gone." he croaked.

"He's not gone." A voice interrupted them, and Dream glanced up, blinking blurrily through the tears, and he saw the figure of Phil.

"He's not gone," Phil repeated, "he's there, in the castle. We just need to get him back." he said sternly.

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