Chapter Thirty

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George let out a gentle sigh as he and Dream sat wrapped in a blanket on the deck. They cuddled, backs leaning against barrels behind them as they watched the gentle sea, hands entwined.

The ocean was soft today as if it knew it shouldn't add to their stress. Tiny waves lapped against the ship, the wind so peaceful it felt like it was lulling him to sleep.

The calm before the storm.

Never before had George believed a saying to be true so much as that one.

He knew something was coming. He could feel it in the air. It twisted and turned and made him worry, and yet he felt so peaceful.

It was eerie.

He rubbed his eyes, his head leaning on Dream's shoulder as he stared out to the horizon.

Two days ago he had gone back into his merman form to get his tears. It had been extremely weird, and he did not like the uncomfortable feeling that came with transforming. It made him feel like he was being flipped inside out, and he had resisted the urge to throw up.

It had been a process, but he'd managed. He had ended up spending a bit more time in that room than planned, just relishing in his natural form, before hesitantly transforming back to his human body.

Then, he'd walked out, and everyone has praised him, which was embarrassing, but nice nonetheless. It made him know they cared, at least a little bit.

George shook away the thoughts of the other day and sighed. He felt Dream shift next to him, squeezing his hand as if to ask 'are you ok?'. George squeezed back, silently assuring him that he was fine, and he felt the man relax.

A small smile graced George's lips at that.

Dream knew him so well. Better than he knew himself, some days. 

What would he do without him?

He didn't like to think of that.

It was hard to imagine that just two months ago he'd never known the man. He had no idea of Dream's existence and was blissfully unaware of his future.

This might have been the scariest experience he'd ever endured, was also the best. He'd learned so much. About himself, his history, and humans. And he'd met the one person he knew he could trust.

The blonde had changed so many of George's thoughts, and he could not be happier about the fact. He knew now that not all humans were bad. That they were creatures, trying to survive, just like George. They weren't all the monsters his pod had painted them out to be, and it had sparked hope in him that maybe there could be a future where they weren't enemies any longer. Where they coexisted, just like they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago.

An odd feeling was settled in George's heart recently. One he could not identify, but it sparked every time his eyes set on Dream.

He was so confused. He wished to know just what this feeling was, but he was clueless.

It felt kind of like a fire. Like those flames that were lit on candles, the one's lining the walls, but bigger. It was in his chest, he could feel it swirling and gripping onto his heart, just begging to be let out.

But he didn't know what it was, so he ignored it. Pushed it down. 

He could not possibly ask Dream what it was. If it was a bad thing, it might ruin all they'd worked towards. 

No, if George knew one thing, it was to keep this unknown feeling inside of him a secret.

It was for the best.

George glanced over to the blonde, who noticed his staring and looked down at him.

They held eye contact for a moment, before George smiled, moving his head back to Dream's shoulder just like before.

George hoped everything would go smoothly.

They'd get into the castle, hand over his tears, and make their way out. 

George knew, somewhere in his heart, that it was wishful thinking.

They were on a ship, headed to Lmanberg. Headed to the unknown, and George could not be more scared.

But he had Dream.

The man he was leaning against, the man who's hand he held.

He had him.

And that was enough to push away his terrified thoughts, at least for the time being.

Dream was on his side, and that's where he'd always be, right?

George let his eyes flutter shut as he thought about the future.

They could travel. George could show him more about merfolk culture than any human alive knew. They'd have adventures, with the crew by their side. All of them.

Maybe Dream would take him on land for a bit. Explore human towns, try more human foods, do things that normal humans did.

They'd have great stories to tell, and he could become more connected with Dream and what it was like to be a human.

A fond smile graced his face at the thought.

It sounded perfect. So, so, so perfect.

Maybe in the future, he'd figure out what this feeling was. Maybe he'd look back on this moment and laugh at his stupidity.

Maybe, maybe not. Nobody knows.

The gentle wind sifted through his hair, and he shivered.

Dream pulled him tighter against him, adjusting the blanket to be bundled more around the brunette.

George peeked his eyes open and saw Dream avert his eyes quickly, face flushing, causing George to roll his eyes in amusement.

He stared out at the water, the place he'd lived for so many years, and smiled.

He used to think he couldn't have both. Dream and the ocean. But now, well- now he realised just how wrong he was.

He didn't have to sacrifice one thing for the other. He could have both. Both places he belonged, right there.

George didn't know what the future held.

This could go well. They could be in and out within an hour.


But even as his stomach brewed with anxiety, sitting there with Dream, entwined together, he relaxed.

Anticipation and fear hung heavy in the air, around every crew member, he knew that much.

They were set sail straight to Lmanberg, no stopping them now. Within the next two or three days, they'd be there.

George sighed, eyes slipping shut, letting himself live in the moment. In this peaceful, beautiful moment.

The calm before the storm.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -x - x

Hello friends!!! Another chapter, right at ya! I was reading through some of the comments, and I just have to say, you guys really made my day. All the support and sweet words almost had me crying, thank you so much, really. I never expected this book to get so much attention, but I'm glad that I'm getting to create it and share it with you!

See you in the next chapter!!

Happy reading <3 <3 <3 <3

-Bee <3


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A merman's tear (dreamnotfound)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora