Chapter Sixteen

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Dream is not a foolish man. He joked around, he played his games, that is a fact, but when it all comes down to it, he's smart. He has a quick mind, and is always fast to coming up with plans and ideas.

So if that is true, then why, why can he not figure out a solution to his problem?

His goal was easy when he started this. The path was straight and clear. Find a merman, get his tears, deliver him to Schlatt, and then he'd have saved the lives of his crew. But now- well, now it was different. He cared about George. The merman was fun to be around. He didn't want to just hand him over to Schlatt. He couldn't possibly do that. He just had to find a way to convince George to give him his tears. Maybe he could make up a fib to Schlatt, that they secured his tears but the merman escaped- or something like that.

George wouldn't hear of it though. He saw giving his tears away as the greatest disgrace. No matter how many times Dream tried to explain it, he just wouldn't listen. Could George not see that his life was on the line? Could he not see that giving up his tears was the easiest and most likely safest situation? The answer was no. He could not. Dream didn't know how to show him.

Every time he brought it up, he'd get the cold shoulder. A 'not now, Dream', 'I don't want to talk about it, Dream' or something along the lines before the idea was completely blanked and wiped from their conversation.

It was tiring. Dream was worried. Really, really worried. They were still incredibly far away from Schlatt's, it would be a long time before they arrived, and with Dream stalling, they wouldn't be at Lmanberg any time soon. But still, it was bound to happen. The longer he took, the more likely it was that Schlatt would come for him. Dream knew it would happen, and he wasn't sure how to stop it.

He didn't know if he could stop it. He'd done many great things in his life and had many magnificent stories to tell of his victories, but the one time he really needed himself to save the day, he was unable to. He was, to simply put it, useless.

Dream wished him and George had met under different circumstances. Things would be so much different then. Things would be better. There'd be no looming threat over their heads, no worry, no Schlatt. 

But they weren't in a different circumstance. They weren't in some mystical better life. They were here. On a boat, in the direction of Lmanberg.

Dream wished he was anywhere else.

It was night, right now. Everyone else was asleep. Dream was sitting on the stairs that led to the steering wheel. He let out a soft breath, being able to see it in the cold night air. It swirled around before disappearing, and he rubbed the back of his head. He pulled his mask off and held it in his rough hands. He stared down at it, his thumb brushing over a small crack on the bottom. His grip tightened on it as he looked back up to the sky. The stars were beautiful. They looked like they were painted by the gods. He almost wished they were. If there were any gods, he hoped one of them had created this. 

He let his fingers run over the braids that George had done in his hair the night before. That was a good night, especially in contrast to right now.

Dream let out a small sigh as his gaze dropped to the water. He leaned against the wall on the stairs as the waves churned with the wind. They were dark and powerful. They were scary. Dream had lived many years on the water. Constantly at sea. He loved it, he truly did, yet the sight of the sea at night always scared him. It made him realise how vast it was, and how insignificant he was in comparison.

He thought about George. George belonged in that water. Not in a glass tank. He was wild. Not tame, not like humans. Dream imagined George swimming in that water, where he was supposed to be.

A merman's tear (dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now