Chapter Twenty-Five

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George was lounging on some blankets in the main eating room. There was a corner of the room filled with pillows and blankets because heaven forbid they have couches. It was comfy though, so he wasn't complaining. 

Dream was sitting next to him, and George was half leaning on the blonde as he read. Dream was reading out a story to George, something about three little pigs or whatever. The man had said that it was one of the countless stories he'd been told as a kid, and that he was set on telling George every single one.

This was somewhat odd, considering these stories were made for, well, children, but he let Dream read them anyway. He found comfort in telling George these stories, so who was he to stop him? 

And besides, George had made Dream promise that he could tell him some of his pods stories, so he would get something out of it too.

Honestly, George wasn't really listening very much. He'd tune back in at points to hear something about a wolf (he had no idea what the hell that was), or houses being torn down. Something about the calming and velvety voice of Dream made him unable to focus. He continuously felt himself drifting off a bit, getting lost in thoughts. 

The thing that really made him lose focus though, was Dream's face.

Ever since their little moment two days prior, along with George declaring Dream's beauty, the man had been more open to wearing the mask off of his face. He had it resting on the side of his face up on the top so he could move it down quickly if it came to it, but he was trying his best not to.

The rest of the crew had seen his face before, of course, but they were also used to him constantly wearing the mask even around them. 

When Dream got uncomfortable, or at a point he was required to show more emotions, he'd slip the mask back on. He was obviously used to being able to hide them behind a cover, and hadn't trained himself so well to control his facial expressions.

George understood. He was just glad his words had resonated with the man. It wasn't as if he was lying either. Dream really was beautiful.

So yeah, maybe he found himself drifting off to stare at Dream's face while he told him stories. It wasn't creepy, he had to remind himself, Dream knew he was looking, so it wasn't weird. Promise.

Just something about the smile on his face, which so clearly reflected in his eyes, made him happy. He felt something flutter in his stomach, and moved his gaze back away from Dream.

Niki walked by, her gaze lingering on Dream's face for a second, even after two days, she was still surprised to see him so open about showing his face. 

Her eyes flicked down to George, who was looking at her, and she flashed him a smug smile. His brows furrowed in confusion, but he didn't have any time to question her as she walked up the stairs to the deck.

He watched her leave, before scratching the back of his head and tuning back into what Dream was saying.

"And then the wolf ran away, leaving the three little piglets to live happily ever after, free from the wolf's harm." 

George nodded his head, pretending he'd been listening, and met Dream's eyes.

They stared at each other for a minute, before Dream cleared his throat and looked back down at the book, snapping it shut and holding it in his hands.

"Did you like it?" he asked, and George hummed.

"Very interesting." 

Dream paused, "were you even listening?" he questioned, and George went red.

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