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Hello Darling's! Since a few of you are super fond of aurora's like I am have art that makes me love the idea of them in this story more :D (it's by @/standing_rant on twitter)

Tommy had returned about an hour after he walked Ranboo to the portal, the doors to the main area opening to a tired young boy who desperately needed a new set of clothing and a shower

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Tommy had returned about an hour after he walked Ranboo to the portal, the doors to the main area opening to a tired young boy who desperately needed a new set of clothing and a shower. 

"Would you like some tea, Tommy?" You'd asked, you had a box of chamomile tea in hand instead of your herbal tea, wanting something sweeter and softer than your usual herbal tea. "I'm sure you were freezing outside. 

"Sure, I'd like some." He nodded, moving to sit on top of the chest that held your brewing items in it. You had already boiled the tea, enough for three if Tommy wanted any and you already had Techno's cup steeping. He'd finally decided to clean up while there was a moment for peace and you made yourself busy by cleaning up the mess that had been left and then making tea. 

"What kind do you want?" 

"There's different kinds of tea?" Tommy asked. 

You smiled, rolling your eyes as you nodded. "Yes, there is. Techno prefers green tea for some reason, so does Phil. I have an herbal tea and I have chamomile." 

"Cam-o-mile." Tommy said, pronouncing the last syllable like the word mile instead of mill, which left you giggling. "That sounds funny, I'll have that one." 

You placed a teabag of chamomile tea in both remaining mugs and let them sit while you put the boxes away, pulling out the bottle of honey and the pouch of sugar. You needed to start another sugarcane farm soon. "Once Techno's out of the bath you're free to use it." You offered, you'd taken off your armor and placed it in your ender chest for the night, not wanting the heavy armor on anymore, even though it gave you a sense of comfort to keep it on. "I'm sure Techno has clothes that will fit you until I can tailor those for you." You gestured to the holes in his shirt that peeked out from the poor way the armor sat on him. 

"Thank you." Tommy said quietly, seemingly thinking as he stared down at his hands. "Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" He looked up at you, the question took you aback, making you pause for a moment. 

"You live here now, with us. We can't afford to be fighting all the time. We're all people, people who have been through things that the others can't understand. We were friends once, Tommy, I cared for you- I still care for you, even if I haven't forgiven you yet." You answered, leaning on the ender chest, glancing out the window next to the door, watching the trees dance in the dimly lit night sky. Why did you still care? He'd wronged you yet you still cared about him and you didn't understand why. 

Tommy nodded slightly, chewing on his lip. "Even if I haven't done anything to warrant a need to be forgiven, I appreciate it." 

"You never change, do you?" You asked, moving over to check the tea and putting sugar and honey into Techno's mug and setting it aside, doing the same with yours and then handing Tommy his with the honey and sugar. "I don't know if you want any in yours, but they're here if you want them." 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now