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Revolution was less than 30 hours away. 

You were stressing out about it more than you ever thought possible. Tomorrow was the final battle. Tomorrow Manberg would either be restored as a nation with no clear government, one ruled by the people for the people, no rulers, no tyrants or it would be blown to smithereens. You'd woken up  before the sun had risen and you had found Techno wide awake, rummaging through chests as he worked to make potions and fireworks for tomorrow.  You still needed you acquire armor for your fellow rebels as well as golden apples and other things. 

You wandered behind Techno and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your forehead between his shoulder blades. He tensed for a moment before he realized it was you and he let out a quiet sigh. "I didn't wake you did I?" 

"No, you didn't." Your voice is soft as you listen to the quiet bubbling of both the water elevators and the brewing stands in the early morning quiet. "Have you slept at all, Techno?" 

"Some." He shrugs, plucking splash potions off the stands and placing them in a satchel full of already brewed potions. He places more bottles of waters in the brewing stands and started brewing more potions. "We'll need to go to the nether for netherite later, we need to get books for enchanting, I have gold but we need to trade for apples, I need thorns on the rest of my armor, do you have good enough enchantments on your armor?" 

"I do." You assured, pulling away from him and glancing down at the satchel full of potions near his feet. "Where are you going to put these?" 

Techno paused mid pour of a small pouch of blaze powder and he sighed quietly. He poured the rest of the blaze powder where it needed to go and he set the empty pouch on top of the chest next to him and he turned around. "I'll show you." He picked up the satchel and pulled it over his shoulder. 

"Techno what else have you been hiding?" You press, arms crossed over your chest. He didn't answer and he leaned over a chest that was  set on top of the bookshelves surrounding the enchantment table and he reached up into the ceiling and you heard a lever being pulled and the sound of pistons being activated. "Techno?" 

Techno pulled you over past the corner of the bookshelves and you saw a small open area pulled back by pistons. "This isn't going to kill me is it?" You ask, only mildly joking with the question. 

"No, no of course not." Techno says, offended that you would even think that he'd hurt a hair on your head. "Just go down the ladder." 

You roll your eyes and you go down the ladder like he asked. As you go down the ladder You're met with blackstone and bedrock that opens into a large t shaped room with chests lining the walls ahead of you and to the left there were brewing stands with potions on them and to the right was a crafting table and other things like an anvil and smithing table. It was incredible and ominous all at the same time and you wondered where the hell he found the time for all of this. 

"How long have you had this?" You asked, looking over at the empty armor stands at the end of the short hallway. The chests had item frames on them, showing what was in them. 

"it's been here for almost a month now." He answered, carefully placing specific potions in specific chests. "I've been preparing for the revolution and I didn't want anyone to find this if they happened to find our base." 

Our base

He said it so easily. It made your heart flutter. You opened one of the chests with an arrow in the item frame and it was filled with quivers of arrows. The sword labeled chests were filled with enchanted and unenchanted swords and so on so forth. He had done so much and he had done it all himself. "Techno holy shit." You murmured. "I would've helped you if you had asked." You closed the chest you had peeked inside and you turned to look at him. 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now