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Four days felt like weeks with how slowly they had dragged on, and it didn't help that you were hardly sleeping. You would tend to the animals in the morning and then you'd go back into the base and either read or rearrange the chests again. You'd finished The Princess Bride the day after you started it and now you had picked up a Greek mythology book Techno had in his bookshelves.

You'd gathered what was important from the vault and had placed in the chests in the main area so they were ready to be moved when Techno returned. You were ready to leave this place, start fresh and not live in constant fear of people who were once your closest friends.

Friday felt like a year all on its own. You washed your clothes and hung them to dry, You'd began to rearrange the chests again as a way to pass the time. You'd checked on the animals again and even spent an hour brushing Carl as the sun began to set.

Saturday came slowly, the early morning, around 1 A.M. was chilly. You were in your sleep clothes, curled up in the warmth of your bed with the Greek mythology book, reading through a familiar story you'd been told by Techno. The story of Theseus. You were surprised at the similarities between Theseus and Tommy and you understood why Techno compared the two.

You began to nod off with the book in your hands, your head nodding until you finally fell asleep with the book open in your lap and the lanterns still on.

The sound of the water elevator sloshing filled the quiet air of the base and footsteps came shortly after. A chest opened and you woke with a start, a soft gasp escaping your lips. You looked around in the dim light, listening quietly to hear any footsteps. You could hear someone rummaging through a chest and you snatched your sword from where you kept it next to your bed. You stood up, you couldn't sneak, your hooves made that task impossible so your hoof steps were terribly loud in the quiet.

"Who's there?" You called, stepping out of your room to find Tommy scrounging through your things, eyes wide as he turned to see you with your sword in hand and your hair mused from sleep.

Tommy gave you a sheepish smile, tucking the pouch he'd snatched into his satchel "Look, Y/n I don't want any trouble-"

"You don't want trouble? You snuck into my base to steal my things!" You exclaimed, pointing your sword at him threateningly. Of course, the one morning Techno was expected to return was the one day someone snuck in.

"Well, You showed us where this was!" Tommy retorted. "And you said take what you need!"

"That was before you betrayed me!" You seethed, your blood boiled. How dare he have the audacity to return here after everything he had done.

"You betrayed everyone! " Tommy retorted incredulously. He sighed, shaking his head. "Look, let's just forget this happened, alright? I'll be on my way now-" "Don't you fucking dare." You interrupted him, holding your sword inches from his neck. He gave a shaky chuckle, holding his hands up in defeat. "Whoa there, this is a little bit much don't you thi-"

"Put whatever you took back." You demanded. "Or I'll kill you and take it off your corpse."

"You don't even need them!" Tommy huffed. You pressed the blade of your sword against his neck just slightly, watching as he tensed, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed nervously. You would've pitied him if the circumstances were different but he didn't deserve forgiveness, not when he sullied your name and only returned to steal from you.

"Put. Them. Back." You demanded.

"Fuck, fine." He muttered. You pulled your sword back, stepping back.

Tommy paused, sighing softly before he drew his sword and held it out towards you, ready to fight. You immediately matched his stance. You were unarmored while he was in diamond armor with an enchanted netherite sword. He had an advantage. "Let me leave." Tommy insisted.

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now