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The festival was two weeks away. Tubbo had recently started preparing the games for the festivities with the help of Fundy and while everyone was seemingly preoccupied you were able to sneak to Pogtopia at least twice a week to help them continue to prepare for the eventual war. You'd eventually confided in Wilbur about Dream and how he was the one who gave you the intel on Techno but Wilbur brushed it off, assuring you that Dream was on your side and that he had probably gotten the information from Schlatt himself and had decided to relay it back to you. It made sense. Schlatt was slowly taking land from Dream's kingdom and Dream had remained civil with Schlatt all while it happened so it made sense that  they would have shared 'secrets.'

Techno and Tommy had discussed the argument they'd had and it was completely resolved while the three of you sat around the campfire while your meal bubbled above it. You had hardly listened, too wrapped up in your own thoughts about Techno and how warm he was and how nice he smelled. You hardly knew him anymore so why did you feel so comfortable around him still? Why did you still want to be held in his arms? Why did you still feel so strongly for him?

Over the month that you'd spent going back and forth between Pogtopia and Manberg You'd grown fond of Techno very, very quickly. You found out that he was fond of books, he almost always carried one on his person so he had something to pass the time. He also loved the snow, which strangely you had never experienced.

 The two of you would spend the late evenings seated on top of the hill Pogtopia was nestled under and just talk. You would share stories from your adventures or talk about books that one or both of you had read. He would spend hours ranting about the government whenever he got the chance. He would rant about how they would corrupt anyone they sunk their filthy claws into, how it would destroy even the best of people and you would listen intently. You began to agree. Wilbur had seemed to go mad ever since he lost his power, Fundy had turned against even his father for a chance at power, Schlatt was expanding into land that wasn't his and creating enemies with no thoughts of repercussions all because he seemed to have power, power that would surely be his and Manberg's downfall

One night in particular He'd told you about the voices that would shriek and cry in his head, demanding bloodshed. He had learned to control it over the years but, some nights they drove him to the brink of madness with how loud they screamed. You remembered spending nights comforting him from them, reading aloud to give him something to focus on while he buried himself into your side, tears wetting your shirt as he struggled to calm down. He'd been surprised you remembered and to that you had replied "How could I ever forget you?" 

You learned that his favorite constellation was Ursa Minor, Little bear. It was a guide to what the ancients called true north. It was the first constellation that caught his eye when he saw the northern lights and his first snow. He told you of the mythology behind it, the different meanings the greeks had given it. It was the first time you'd heard him divulge into history ramblings and he'd sounded so... happy as he spoke to you about it. He had a sparkle in his eyes as he spoke, staring longingly at the sky. It wasn't visible. You were too far south but, he was looking north where it would have been and the dim moonlight bathed him in a lovely mixture of low lights that reflected off his jewelry and his eyes like their own little stars that you mapped your own constellations in. Maybe one day you'd see the constellation for yourself and understand why he adored it so. 


You had left late on the day you planned to return to Pogtopia so you ended up arriving around midday and when you entered the ravine it was empty, no sign of Wilbur or Tommy anywhere. You checked around the area, it was empty, almost abandoned with how quiet it was. You made your way back out of the cavern of Pogtopia and back out into the oak forest that surrounded the area. It was chilly, Winter was close so you had been wearing the heavy blue cloak that you had had for longer than you could remember over your shoulders, the sleeves hanging at your sides. They constricted your movements even though they kept you incredibly warm so you usually never wore it properly. It was wrapped loosely around your shoulders, held in place by a flimsy pin that you'd never replaced. 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now