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You spent the day sorting through the resources you acquired, sorting chests  and items until it was all neat, listening while the other three focused on training.

Techno's voice was surreal to hear, knowing that it was him and he was real hadn't quite set in. You fought him and it still didn't feel real. You finished your organizing and sat comfortably on the ledge of the pit, watching Techno easily pin Tommy for the upteenth time.

The boy groaned, rolling his shoulders back when he was helped to his feet by the larger man. He'd forgone his armor and they were using dull wooden swords instead of actual weapons until Tommy was good enough with a sword to not accidentally stab someone, or himself.

"Tommy,"  you called, getting up to demonstrate "you rely too much on your right side so it's easy to knock you over, balance yourself on both feet and bend your knees, it lowers your center of gravity, like this." You bent your knees, an arm up like you had a sword, which you didn't. "You'll have better movement, especially in a sword fight."

Tommy nodded in understanding, picking up his sword and getting into a position similar to yours. "Always be on guard, watch carefully-" you picked up a sword- Techno's sword, looking to him for an okay. He gave a nod, watching with a lack of expression.

"Hold your sword at shoulder length-" you kept both hands on the grip of the sword, the pommel level with your waist. "The sword is an extension of yourself, make sure you know that."

Both men watched with rapt attention as you explained and you felt your cheeks warm under their gaze. "When you move bring your sword forward, that way if they attack first you have protection. When you step forward always step slightly to the left or right depending on which side they depend on more, it's harder for them to attack you that way and you'll bring your sword down in a straight line towards them." You demonstrated the movement slowly, and then again quicker, turning to give the two a sheepish smile.

"Techno why can't you explain like that?" Tommy asked, exasperated.

"I have been!" Techno retorted.

"You have not!"

You laughed, shaking your head at their brotherly banter. "You didn't teach him how to stand properly, you're just making him fight you without explaining how to improve."

Techno sighed, bringing his hand down his face in mild annoyance. "I never said I was a teacher." He muttered.

"I read a lot of sword fighting books." You shrugged. "I'd buy them from villagers if and when I stumbled across villages."

"Try again." Techno instructed, completely ignoring you and getting into a fighting stance. Tommy did as well, taking a deep breath "Can I try it first?" He asked.

"Go on."

Tommy did as you had instructed, a giddy laugh escaping him as he tapped the sword onto both Techno's shoulders.

They began to spar once again and not long after that first attack Tommy got Techno quickly brought him down with his sword pointed at the boys head.

"Can I take over for a little?" You asked. "That way you can get some water and food?"

"Sure." Techno shrugged, his expression one of annoyance. He quickly put his cape, glasses and crown on, leaving his armor sitting on the floor next to the pit. You shrunk back as he turned, not even looking at you as he handed you the sword he'd been using. You thanked him lamely as he brushed past you, obviously frustrated. You set his sword down with his armor  and jumped down into the pit, giving Tommy a small unconvincing smile.

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now