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I'm so excited to be writing this story you all have no idea. I haven't properly written a fanfiction since 2018 or so so my apologies if I'm rusty. This is just Techno and reader's backstory and I thought it a good way to open this story as a prologue!

This story will take place in the Dream SMP universe with some twists and such just to fit the story of Techno and Reader while staying true to Techno's character and his characters beliefs. If anyone in this story is uncomfortable with it I will take it down immediately. 

I hope you all enjoy this story :)


The rain was heavy, thunder clapping loudly and lightning cracking, lighting up the sky for a few quick moments at a time. It was cold, so very cold as fat droplets of rain assaulted your small frame, freezing you to the bone. The forest was loud, the wind howled, rustling the trees around you. You had escaped, finally.

You'd planned it for months, you and your best friend, your only friend, Technoblade. The two of you knew nothing but the horrid blackstone walls of the lab you called home, it was small and decrepit, the scientist who owned it was an older man, one with icy blue eyes as cold as the wind that whipped across your cheeks. His smile was demented, wide and filled with the horrors of what was to come.

He was cruel. The two of you were prized experiments, both of you the closest thing to success that he had and he refused to let anything happen to. You were what he called chimera's though sometimes he referred to you as shapeshifters. Hybrids of humans and animals. You were a sheep hybrid, mostly human most of the time aside from your ears, sheep like ears colored the same as your hair, a little tail, and the hooves that replaced your feet. Your other form was completely sheeplike, downy cotton covered your body, your face like that of a sheep though more anthropomorphic.

Your friend was just like you, but a pig instead, his hair a bubblegum pink, he had small tusks and ruby eyes, pointed ears and a curly tail, a snout like nose and hooves for feet just like yours. He was what the scientist called a piglin hybrid, though you had no clue what piglins even were. He was smart, your friend was. He learned the scientists schedule, when he slept, when he ate, where he lounged in the safety of his locked room in the evenings, what studies he did on what days even down to the minutes. His schedule was like clockwork, never changing and never stopping. 

All while he learned the scientists schedule you learned the in's and out's of the confined Laboratory, each and every block, each and every piece of redstone, every door and every possible exit. The iron doors were designed with redstone locks that only opened from the outside, ones you managed to figure out after a week of studying the redstone books the scientist allowed you to read as a reward for going along with his experiments willingly.

The scientist was more lenient with you. You were harmless or at least that was what he thought. You never attacked him, you never disrespected him. Techno, the pig boy was always trouble, he fought his experiments, attacked the man any time he possibly found a chance to. He'd been punished every time. He'd been starved, (though you shared your meals when he had been) he'd been beaten, burnt, whatever the scientist deemed fit as punishment. He had a scar that ran down his left eye and stopped across his nose, stopping barely underneath his right eye from a glass bottle that had been thrown at him when he'd tried to run away, but the fire in his crimson eyes never faded.

You on the other hand, were allowed to read, to wander around when you wanted, most of the time. You spent most of your time sat with Technoblade though. You would read to him, the scientist didn't allow Techno to read. "Reading is a privilege, be more like your friend here and I might teach you." Is what he would say. You would teach him in the late hours of the night sat over whatever book you'd been allowed to keep for the time being in the dim lantern light. If you weren't reading you were planning. Planning your escape. You would sit on one of the two hard beds whispering between the two of you with ideas for your eventual escape. You'd rather die than accept never seeing anything past these four walls again. 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now