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It was dark when you woke up... or... when you thought you woke up. There was no sign of the room you'd fallen asleep in, no sign of Techno or anyone else, there wasn't even moonlight that streamed in through the window but you felt a cool breeze on your skin, not the icy wind of the north but something that left goosebumps on your warm skin. It seemed like you were alone but you felt someone- something near. 

"em nioj" It whispered. You couldn't understand it very well but the sound of it's voice made you uneasy. You felt like it could read your thoughts, like it was in your head, learning your darkest secrets all while you were trapped in this void.

"Who are you?" You called into the darkness. "What do you want from me?"

"lufewop lla eb nac ew dna em nioj ,em nioj .pleh ruoy deen I!" It shrieked. It was loud, demanding and it hurt your ears. You tried to cover your ears but it didn't help. It was inside your head and you couldn't drown it out even if you tried. 

You felt like you were falling and you jolted upright on your bed. The sun was streaming through one of the windows. It was midmorning, the smell of green tea and breakfast wafted in from downstairs. You could hear Phil and Ranboo chatting with Techno chiming in every so often. The bed was warm but goosebumps still sat on your cold skin. What the hell was that dream? What the hell was that voice? What did it say? You could've sat there trying to figure it out for the rest of the morning but you couldn't dwell on it, you had strange dreams all the time, this was no different. But... Those dreams had always been some sort of true, even if they seemed odd. You placed a hand on your stomach, under your shirt and you felt the scars that remained from the festival. You shook it off, scrubbing your hands down your face and climbing out of bed. You stayed in your pajamas and you made your way downstairs where the three men were in the bottom floor, Techno was setting out a plate of whatever he'd made for you while the other two were already eating.

"Nice of you to join us." Phil said teasingly, not catching the look of unease on your face. Safe to say Techno caught it and he shot you a look of concern while Ranboo watched the whole ordeal in relative silence.

You gave Techno a less than reassuring smile and you sat down at the table with a soft "good morning." Phil tapped the table next to you and he gave you a worried look that you shrugged off as you began to eat, even though you didn't feel like eating. You didn't want to make them worry more than they already were. 

Phil continued his conversation with Ranboo, even though it was a little softer than before. Once breakfast was finished and the dishes were cleaned and put away you disappeared upstairs and changed into more suitable attire for the day. You decided to leave your armor to be tended to later, going to the village was one of the least dangerous things you could do, especially with Phil and Ranboo. Techno had decided he would stay behind and tend to his and your armor and weapons and repair them as best he could. You met with the architects that Techno had spoken to when he'd built the home you resided in now and paid a hefty sum for some proper supplies that you couldn't gather yourself. You were thankful for Carl, who was stood nearby with a little cart snuggly attached to him so you could load up what you bought. Ranboo split the cost with you after a few moments of negotiation while Phil watched with mild amusement as the tall lanky enderman caved under the pressure from you, a short- at least compared to Himself and Ranboo, sheep hybrid. 

"So, where do you want your house?" You asked, taking Carl's reigns and leading him back towards your secluded home with the two others in tow. You had pushed your dream to the back of your mind. This wasn't like the others. This one lingered, digging its claws into you and not letting go. You could almost still hear the voice in your head but you ignored it and chalked it up to your injuries and lack of proper rest. 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora