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You spent the next few days gatherings supplies to leave. You packed your things and prepared for the worst. If they needed your help then it had to be serious, there was no other reason they'd need your help. You had no clue what it meant but you did as the book asked and you threw it into the fireplace as it warmed your house the evening before you departed. 

You put your things in a large backpack, iron, gold, potion items, anything you could think of they could need that you could fit into the backpack before you hid it away under your floorboards. You made sure your armor and your weapons were completely repaired before you made the trek to their hideout.

You learned Schlatt's schedule, which was fairly boring all things considered. He spent most days with Quackity, near or inside the white house. He retired to bed around 9:30 and after that Quackity would retire to his respective room to sleep as well. The guards had a set schedule of their rounds around the White House. Punz and Ponk would circle around and keep watch.

There was a moment where they both were at the back of the house where you could sneak out, and that was your time.

You snuck out at 12 minutes after midnight, your armor on and your weapons on your person. You slipped out in the shadows, hiding behind buildings and trees with your breath held as you snuck past the podium. The sky was clear the night dimly illuminated by the moon and the constellations surrounding it. 

You could hear footsteps as the two men paced the White House, when they disappeared you threw a pearl into the woods. It landed against a tree and sent you tumbling to the ground with a hard thud and a grunt. You got up unsteadily, shaking off the fall as you checked your compass to see what direction you were going in. Southeast, then just east. The air was chilly, whipping through your hair and reddening your cheeks and nose. 

The sound of mobs was familiar. It reminded you of your old life, constantly fighting and running, it was exhilarating in a way. You got to fight mobs again, quick movements of your sword ending them in a moment as you continued towards the coordinates. You weren't far but you were rusty with a compass so you had ended up circling around a few times before you finally found the small clearing with a skeleton horse leashed in front of a hill. This was it? This was their base?  They had to have something else, a secret base inside the mountain somewhere, there was no way they had survived any other way . Footsteps came from the forest and you turned towards them, sword unsheathed and ready in your hand as you stared in the direction of the heavy steps.

A large figure stepped out of the treeline and into the small clearing where you stood. You almost dropped your sword at the sight. A broad man in a red overcoat. The one in your dreams. He wore a crown and had pig-like features, pink ears and tusks, a scar across his snout like nose and down under his eyes. He had more scars, one across his lips and another on his cheek. He had ruby eyes hid behind gold rimmed circular glasses, ones you had dreamed of so many times. His hair was a long bubblegum pink braid, one you remembered braiding as a child in a familiar dark room. Your heart was pounding in your ears, your stomach in knots as you stared. This had to be a sick dream, the universe loved taunting you, it would love to do this, leave you aching for someone you'd hardly come to terms with losing.

"Technoblade?" You whispered, your hands were trembling, your heart palpitating, your palms were sweaty, your sword suddenly far too heavy for you to hold. You were going insane, that or you had died and had found him in the afterlife. There was no way, no possible way he was here in front of you, no possible way. 

He stared at you, brows furrowed as he took in your features. He was tense, his sword held in hand, blade leaning on his shoulder. He was in netherite armor, enchanted like yours. He towered over you, he looked like he could crush you, or snap your neck with a single hand if he wanted. He said your name, unsure of himself as he did like he was in disbelief just as you were. 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now