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Tubbo spent the night searching for the two men while you and Niki retired to your homes. You forced yourself to eat before you went to sleep, the day had exhausted you, crying and yelling and so much chaos tired you out more than any fight ever had. Your chest ached from the screaming and your eyes were puffy from tears, the meal you ate sat sour in your stomach and it took every last bit of energy you had not to throw it all up. 

You shucked your clothes off and fell asleep in your underclothes, a simple pair of tights and a white shirt. You tossed and turned, scenes from the evening played over and over in your mind until you finally, finally fell into a restless slumber.

You woke up in a strange place, the side of a hill that you didn't know existed. There was a staircase that led down into a hidden ravine, one filled with chests and things. Wilbur was there, as well as Tommy. They both had forgone their L'manberg garb, settling for something less flashy. They looked tired, yet determined. Their voices were sure, confident in whatever they were speaking about, Wilbur was smiling wickedly as he spoke. "If we can't have Manberg then no one! No one can have Manberg!"

Footsteps clicked behind them, behind you. They were heavy, yet not as slow as Dream's. These had a purpose, a place to be. They sounded like heels with the way they clicked on the hard ground. 

A low voice rumbled, filling the cavern as it spoke. "Do you guys need a hand?" It asked. It was a man's voice, that you were sure of. You turned around to see nothing but the flutter of a blood red overcoat phase through you like you didn't exist. You turned again. The figure was tall as Wilbur, broad shouldered and bulky. He wore a crown on his head yet the way the light reflected made his hair hard to make out. You could tell it was long, though. He was hazy in your vision. You could tell he was weaponless but, he seemed to carry himself like a warrior.

He turned his head slightly, almost to look at you and you saw a singular ruby red eye before you woke up, breathing hard. Those eyes were familiar, achingly familiar. There was no way, absolutely no way. He couldn't be here, the universe wasn't that cruel was it? This was a sick dream meant to cope with what had happened you were sure of it. 

You took your time getting ready, your mind still racing from whatever dream that was. It wasn't real, it couldn't have been. It was just another strange dream that you'd had about him, nothing more. You had forgone breakfast and got dressed, leaving most of your weapons aside from your sword in the safety of your home, you doubted you would need them.

The moment you stepped outside A loud voice came over the microphone from the podium, echoing throughout the area. You grimaced as Schlatt's grating voice filled your ears. "People of L'manberg! The sun rises over another beautiful day in our country! The sun rises on another chapter, the next page of a textbook that children will be reading until the end of time." There was a pause.

You sighed loudly, plucking your watering can off your porch and watering your plants as you silently listened to whatever your new president had to say. "I reckon our nation needs to expand!" He exclaimed, you could hear his smirk in his voice. "I reckon... I reckon we've done our country a great disservice. I reckon we take down the walls effective immediately!"

You stopped mid tip of your watering can, turning towards the podium that was out of sight. You felt your stomach clench. He was already changing things? This soon?

"I'm launching a project funded by our country's assets! All citizens of L'manberg are required to help tear down the walls of this country. Thus ends the second presidential speech. Let's get to work!"

You threw your watering can, the sound of it hitting the pathway echoed loudly. You felt anger burn deep in your chest. They couldn't do this. They couldn't tear apart what made this nation so quickly, so... easily. You pulled out your pick and placed it on your belt, slinging your bow and arrows onto your shoulder like you always did.

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now