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You decided to live in L'manberg after staying for a month. The citizens were so kind, and so much fun to be around throughout the weeks. It was an easy decision, one you made within the first three days, but, you gave it more time so you were sure you wouldn't ultimately regret your decision. You got to see their Halloween festival and it was lovely. Tubbo had dressed as a bee, Tommy as a skeleton, Niki was dressed as a ghost, Fundy as a Vampire of sorts and even Wilbur had joined in, dressed as a man he called Sherlock with a pipe and a tan trench coat. You hadn't partaken, not knowing there was such a holiday and wishing you had. 

Niki had made chocolates, cookies, pies and a few other sweets you couldn't name and they were all laid out on a table with drinks. L'manberg had been decorated with cobwebs and paper monsters, soul lanterns and vines to make the place look decrepit, it was fascinating.  They had played music and danced in the lantern light, chatting and smiling as they enjoyed their festivities. Fundy took it upon himself to explain the holiday to you whilst he danced with you to a song playing from the jukebox sat next to the camarvan. You stepped on his toes every other step, muttering apologies only to get a laugh and assurance that it didn't hurt in return You felt welcomed by the young fox, almost as much as you had by Niki and you hoped it would be the start of a great friendship, 

Niki was ecstatic when you told her you wanted to stay, her excitement was heartwarming, she offered to help pick out a plot of land for the house you would eventually build. It wasn't far from her base, an open plot of land perfectly set for a home to be built.

Wilbur was thrilled to have a new citizen. "Will you stand with L'manberg no matter what?" He asked. "Fight alongside our men and women to protect our land and what we stand for?"

"Yes." You agreed.

You were officially a citizen of L'manberg, a friend of the people.

You tried your best to be helpful, Niki taught you how to bake bread and cookies while you stayed with her, Tommy and Tubbo would recount stories of the war and their time before the war. It was surreal to think about what they had gone through especially at such a young age. Both boys were 16 and the innocence in their eyes had faded, much like yours had so long ago.

You made new clothes, the ones you had were old and worn. Niki had gifted you with plenty of cloth to make them, as well as dyes. You spent a few weeks sewing. You made a long sleeved shirt, simple and white in color, black trousers and a pair of fingerless gloves and a black capelet that covered your shoulders. It had a layer of lace over top of it, a touch from Niki that you thought was lovely.

*ideas pulled from these :')*

*ideas pulled from these :')*

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