Chapter 34: Island of Illusions Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Was it something I said?" Kimberly asks as the rangers all see something up in the sky and it was the face of Goldar.

"I'll stay with Scarlett." Billy says as Jason and the others get up and see him in the sky.

"Did you lose your precious power coins you power pukes? You'll soon lose more than that..." Goldar says.

"Look!" Kimberly shouts as some of the monsters they have defeated in the past pop up in front of them.

"Aww man! No coins, a tone-deaf little person with theories and now we got an island full of monsters. On top of that, Scarlett's unconscious with some weirdness going on around her." Zack shouts.

"That we thought we'd destroyed." Trini says.

"They're charging! Billy, take care of Scarlett for me!" Jason shouts.

"Sure." Billy says as the monsters all walk towards them, but they all disappeared.

"Weird. They disappeared. Hey, I'm going to carry her." Billy says as Jason stops him.

"Nah, let me do it." Jason says stopping him for a moment.

"You sure? I could do it." Billy says to Jason worriedly.

"I'm sure. She's my girlfriend and a friend's sister." Jason says as he carefully kneels beside Scarlett and then he carefully lifts her up, since she was still unconscious.

Then he carries her and walks off with his friends.

'Liu Kang? Kitana? Who are they? Who is Caera Kang? Caera Kang, the Briar Rose? Who is that? Why did the little dude care that Scarlett was alive or is a ranger?' Jason thought as he was thinking of that and way to get everyone out of here safely.

"Man, what kind of place is this?" Tommy asks.

"A place where nothing is real except the danger. Welcome to the island of Illusion." Goldar says to them.

"Oh man, this is too weird. I don't think I can handle this." Zack says as he walks off and then he suddenly screams as he sees a snake right in front of him.

"What's the matter Zack?" Tommy asks.

"That's the matter, the huge snake! Can't you see it? Can't you see it? It's going to bite me!" Zack shouts freaking out.

"There's nothing there, Zack." Kimberly says to him.

"Zack, there is no thing." Trini says.

"I hate snakes. I hate snakes! Oh man, get it away from me!" Zack says.

"Zack, really there is no snake there!" Trini says to him.

"C'mon, get it together dude. You're seeing things." Tommy says.

"I believe Rita is trying to doubt ourselves and use our own fears against us." Billy explains as Zack runs away from them.

"We can't fight something like that. I don't feel so good." Zack says.

"Zack, you're fading." Kimberly says as half of Zack's lower body was disappearing with the little, short man appeared again.

"If Rita makes you doubt and fear soon, you're going to disappear." He says and he disappears again.

"He means your loss of confidence and your body to dematerialize." Billy explains.

"Come on Zack, fight it! Don't let Rita get to you!" Jason shouts at him as he holds onto Scarlett a bit tighter.

"I'm trying." Zack says.

"It's no use power rangers, you can't fight your own worst fears. One by one you shall all fade away, forever!" Goldar says as he laughs out loud at them.

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