Start from the beginning

Tom said "never mind I wish this Booker guy would get here, I'm going to be late. I hate late people."  Judy laughed.  Booker said "I'm Booker."  Tom said "oh great." Tom looked at Booker.  He didn't like Judy thinking Booker was hot.  Tom said "quit flirting with Judy and come on."  They left. Judy laughed.  Judy called Sydney.  Sydney said "hey Jude."  She said "Sydney Tom's new partner on this case, he is hot, fine fine fine."  Sydney laughed.  Sydney said "what's he look like."  Judy said "tall, muscles, dark black hair, tan."  Sydney said "maybe you and he will hit it off."  She laughed.  She said "well he was flirting with me like crazy, calling me beautiful"  '

Tom drove.  Booker said "that Judy is hot huh, so you hitting it?"  Tom looked at him.  He said "watch your mouth. Don't talk about Judy like that."  Booker said "I meant  no disrespect, I just didn't want to be hitting on your girl"  Tom said "Judy is a friend, my girlfriend and Judy are best friends."  Booker said "ok. So how did they meet?"  Tom said "What who."  He said "well Judy and your girlfriend, did Judy introduce you."  He said "look Sydney is none of your business ok. I'm not discussing her with you."  Booker said "a little touchy aren't we." Booker said "I don't have a girlfriend, it kind of gets in the way."  Tom said "what" Booker said "well I mean if I met the right one maybe, but like if you have a girl, then you can't go out and hook up You should have seen the babe I met last night at one of my favorite bars.  She was hot, and kept me going all night man. I'm kind of tired."  Tom looked at him.  He said "excuse me you need to be focusing on the case, I'm not interested in hearing about your conquests man."  Booker laughed.  By the end of the day, Tom could hardly stand to be near Booker.  Fuller had them in all the same classes, they ate together at lunch.  Tom couldn't stand to even hear him talk.  Tom took Booker back to the chapel.

Judy said "So how was your first day?"  Booker said "it was good, but Hanson's kind of grouchy."  Tom said "will you just shut up."  Fuller said "Booker can you come in here a minute."  He said "beautiful I'll be right back."  She laughed.  Tom said "seriously Judy you don't really like this loser do you?"  She said "why don't you?"  He said "he's a dick, he went on and on about his conquests, he hit on every girl, he bullies kids."  She said "well he is hot."  Tom looked at her.  He said "you don't think Sydney will think he is hot do you."  She laughed.  She said "don't worry about it Hanson."  Booker came out.  He said "Judy you want to get some pizza?"  She said "I have a lot of paper work to do, but if you want to eat it here."  He said "ok You in Hanson or you need to get home to your old lady."  Tom said "she's not an old lady."  Judy said "Sydney's out of town."  Booker said "oh I see I get it."  Tom said "you get what."  Booker said "Why you are such a grouch."  Tom left.

Tom called Sydney.  He said "I'm home."  Sydney said "hey how was your day with Booker."  He said "um how do you know his name?"  She laughed.  She said "Judy called. She was quite impressed."  Tom said "yeah it was sickening watching her, she was like swooning, I was trying ask her about work Syd and she just totally ignored me looking and smiling at that that that dickhead.  Sydney said "I take it you didn't have a good first day with him."  He said "you have no idea.  Sydney he is a jerk. I can't stand him. I am not going to be able to work with him on this case, or any case."  Sydney said "was it that bad."  Tom said "it was worse. Sydney he is a jerk. I had to hear all about, you should hear the way he talks about women, I mean such disrespect, and he asked if I was hitting Judy you know what I mean."  Sydney laughed.  She said "Should I worry about you and Judy"  Tom said "Sydney my God how could you even ask me that. You think I would."  Sydney said "Tom calm down I was joking."  He said "it's not funny. You need tell Judy stay away from that that that creep.  You should have seen how he bullied kids, and how he was talking about black people to our suspects."  Sydney said "Um babe, isn't he supposed to play a role, I mean to act like the suspects."  Tom said "Syd yes but I swear he isn't faking it. I hate this guy."  Sydney said "I see, how can you hate him when you just met him, and don't really know him."  He said "I hate him"  he went on and on.  Sydney said "Tommy can I call you right back."  He said "yes."