Chapter 41

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After her talk with Riju, Zelda felt much better. She was a little less worried and felt less alone, having found a close friend in the Gerudo Chief.
Even though they were very different, the young girl reminded her of Urbosa as well.
She was wise beyond her years and loyal to a fault. Both Gerudo had a way of making Zelda feel at home, as if she was among family.
The way she was reminded of her old friend hurt, because she still missed her everyday, but it was also something beautiful. It was like she would never forget the little things that she had loved about Urbosa, because she now saw them reflected in Riju.
In the end, she and the young Chief talked for hours, standing on top of the walls and discussing everything that came to mind.
Only when Riju begrudgingly told her she had some business to take care of, did Zelda realize how much time had passed already.
She apologized for keeping the Chief from her duties, but Riju wouldn't have it.
'I needed this as much as you did, Zelda,' she said. 'I will never apologize for spending time with friends.'
Zelda blushed, still flattered to be considered her friend, but nodded. She was just glad that she wasn't a nuisance.
     Riju took her leave and Zelda found herself alone once again, now standing in the streaming water so long that her feet were all wrinkly.
     She decided to go down again and wandered through town, until she bumped into Reeza and Laine, at the bottom of the stairs to the Noble Canteen.
     'Zelda!' Reeza called out cheerfully, showing no more sign of her recent encounter with the Electric Lizalfos.
Zelda smiled in response, before turning to the woman on her right. 'How is your arm doing, Laine?' She asked curiously.
Laine smiled, waving her healthy arm dismissively. 'It's really alright. Just a few scratches but those will heal up soon enough.'
Zelda smiled happily. 'That's good to hear.' She now looked between the women, her expression turning serious. 'I don't think I've ever properly thanked you both for risking your lives for me, so I want you to know that I am truly, deeply grateful, and I'm incredibly relieved that you're doing alright.'
She smiled sheepishly, but Reeza waved it away, throwing her arm around Zelda's shoulders.
'Don't worry about it! We would have done it for any of us. None of it was your fault.'
Laine nodded enthusiastically. 'Exactly. We never even thought of any other option than fighting that monster, whether you were there or not.'
She also placed a hand on Zelda's shoulder. 'You might be the princess, but we don't treat you any different than our own friends.' She smiled.
Zelda couldn't help but smile back, feeling a lot better after those kind words.
'Now,' Reeza said, turning Zelda around to the end of the road, 'we were about to get some training in, so would you care to join?'
Zelda looked up in surprise, but nodded. It would be a good way to continue learning, even with Link gone.
So she followed the two Gerudo to their training grounds, where a few other warriors were already hard at work.
Zelda still wore the Gerudo Scimitar on her hip, but she wasn't exactly sure how to use it. Link had taught her with a broadsword, and she didn't know how different it was with a curved blade.
Luckily the Gerudo women were more than willing to show her the correct moves, and soon all warriors present were huddled around the princess, giving advice and showing her how it was done.
She felt a little clumsy, with all those eyes on her when she barely knew how to properly hold the weapon, but they were all so encouraging and excited that she quickly forgot her initial hesitation.
     In the end she spent multiple hours practicing with different opponents, who all used slightly different tactics, but she felt like she learned a lot.
     Another plus side was that time seemed to pass much quicker, as her mind was occupied and she had little time to worry about Link.
     In the end she dropped her arm and sat down against the wall, completely exhausted. She was hot and sweaty and her muscles were already aching, but it felt good to be active.
     'Let's call it a day, shall we?' Reeza said, leaning against the wall next to her. 'You did very well today.'
     Zelda smiled, feeling pride swell up in her chest.
     'Do you want to come with us to the Noble Canteen?' Reeza now asked. 'It's a nice way to rewind a little and have a good chat.'
     Zelda looked up at the sky, noticing that it was already early evening. She nodded.
So a few minutes later she was sitting at a little table in the Canteen, squeezed in between the warriors and a Noble Pursuit in her hands.
Most of the conversations went over her head, as they were talking about people and events that Zelda knew nothing about, but she was content with listening.
It was really entertaining to see the women talk so animatedly, with wild gestures and loud laughs, so completely at ease with one another.
When Zelda realized at last that her drink was finished and her mind started to wander off, she excused herself, standing up to find her bed.
'Will you come train with us again tomorrow?' Reeza asked full of hope.
Zelda couldn't help but smile at the genuine excitement of the Gerudo and nodded. She really wanted to.
'Wonderful!' Reeza exclaimed happily, before bidding her goodnight and resuming her conversation with Laine.
Zelda smiled to herself as she stepped into the cool night air. It once again amazed her how these women made her feel at home, so naturally did they accept her as one of them.
Despite the fact that she constantly wondered about Link and what he was doing, the day had passed rather quickly and she was exhausted.
She didn't think it would prove very hard to find her sleep tonight.

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