1. maybe

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It's the worst day of the year again. 

February 14th, Valentine's Day.

The day every single, lonely soul on this earth dreads and despises. 

The day half of the earth is spending making babies and eating cherry filled chocolate, while the other half is crying in their beds and watching Twilight for the thousandth time. 

If he could skip a day out of the 365 in a year, Jimin would choose February 14th without a second thought. 

He's not one of those single people who try to ruin everyone's day to satisfy the emptiness in their hearts, but it would be greatly appreciated if everyone stopped rubbing it in his face. 

The fact that he's now sitting in the small living room that he shares with his two roommates while they snuggle in the corner of the couch - a blanket wrapped around both of them and two stupid smiles plastered on their faces as they pretend to pay attention to the horror movie they put on - is proving his point that this is the worst day of the year.

"Why did I agree to do this?", Jimin sighs and sinks further in the couch, his blanket completely engulfing him and his now cold cup of coffee still in his hand. 

Hoseok raises his head from the crook of Yoongi's neck to stare at Jimin with a raised eyebrow but an affectionate expression, "Don't be grumpy, Jiminie. I love you, too", he gives him one of his heart shaped smiles and Jimin resists the urge to smile back. 

"We didn't go out today just so you don't feel lonely, you know", Yoongi says nonchalantly and takes a sip of his whiskey. 

Jimin rolls is eyes, "Oh my, what a great honour you've made me, sir. I will forever be grateful to you for your kind actions", he says with a dramatic hand slapped on his chest and a sarcastic tone. Hoseok laughs and Yoongi ignores him with a roll of his eyes. 

"It's not our fault you refuse every offer that comes your way. Maybe you should lower your standards a bit", Hoseok expresses his concern about Jimin's loneliness. 

"Oooh, is that how you found Yoongi hyung? You lowered your standards?" 

"Fuck off", Yoongi spits out and faces the tv.

"You know, I have a friend, his name is Taemin and I think he's bisexual. I could introduce him to you", Hoseok chimes in. 

Jimin whines, "Hoseok, I'm fine. I'm still 24, not 50." 

And it's true. Jimin doesn't feel the need to be with anyone at the moment. He's happy and focused on his studies. 

He didn't move to Seoul to fulfil his gay desires, he came here to pursue his dream of becoming a professional dance teacher. 

Okay, maybe he hoped to find a tall, lean boy - brunette preferably - with tattoos and a dark sense of humour but that was the second thing on his list of reasons why he wanted to move to Seoul. 

He's been living with Yoongi and Hoseok since the start of college. A shy, closeted boy who's been taught from a young age that accepting who you really are is a sin, moving in with a gay couple. What a disaster. 

Now, he's openly embracing his sexuality and although his parents still don't know and never will, he feels free. He no longer has to hide the posters of Alex Turner from anyone just in case they find it weird, he no longer feels abnormal for stealing his mum's lipstick and heels in the past. He's just like the rest. The only difference is that he really, really wants to get railed and degraded by a muscular dude with piercings and tattoos. 

But... he's 24 and a virgin. 

Nothing wrong with being a virgin, but he feels like spider webs are starting to occupy his downstairs area. 

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