Why Do You Like Me?

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Quick note for people coming here after s2 started - this was all written during the hiatus, so there will be no spoilers, and only use things from throughout s1 (although most of it isn't set at any particular point anyway). 

A/n: Thanks to the pile of awesome people that I put at the bottom!

Today Luz was feeling particularly desolate. It was the day that would normally have been her first day of school, a day she had always dreaded. Other kids may not have enjoyed going to school, but at least they had friends to not enjoy it with. She was always the outcast. For her, the first day of school meant the first day of name calling, bullying and whispering behind her back. Another reminder that, aside from her mom, no one really cared about her. But she wasn't going to school, she was stuck in the Boiling Isles. Luz looked over at the green haired witch sitting beside her.



"Why... why do you like me?"

"What's not to like about you?"

Luz sighed.

"No, really, what exactly do you see in me? I'm just some human weirdo, I'm not worth your time."

Amity felt like her heart was breaking. Does she really not know?

"Luz, don't say that! You know it's not true. The reason I like you..."

Amity paused a moment, gathering her thoughts.

"Well for one, you're so much braver than me. You don't worry that much about yourself, but you'll do almost anything to protect the people you care about. Just look at Grom, you knew you would literally be risking your life, but you took my place anyway. It's really sweet, even when you get in a bit over your head. Also, you bring out the best in people. If you hadn't come into my life, I would probably still be one of the biggest jerks in school, and I never would have apologized to Willow. And another thing, you just make me happy. I feel like I can really be myself around you, without the pressure from my parents or society. And the thing I love most about you... is probably how kind and forgiving you are. I bullied you when we first met, I was going to make you give up learning magic and even almost got you dissected. But despite all of that, you still wanted to be my friend. You broke down the walls I had spent years building up, and I admire you so much for it. The real question is why do you like me, after all of that..."

Luz's eyes were brimming with tears.

"Oh, Amity, I didn't know you felt... I-I didn't know... I..."

In place of words, she simply embraced the witch, trying to convey all of her overwhelming emotions with that simple gesture.

"And don't start doubting yourself. Sure, you were sort of mean when we first met, but I began to see a different side of you. Like you said, you put up walls to protect yourself, but deep down you were always a good person. And you're this powerful witch. You're smart and diligent and cool, not to mention pretty." Amity could feel her face warm; it was surely bright red by now. "You have such a bright future, and you've worked so hard to get where you are. You're incredible Amity, and you should never doubt yourself. In fact, even after everything you said, I-I... still find it kind of amazing that you care so much about me..."

"Luz, you adorable idiot... you make it so hard not to love you."

Luz was a bit taken aback.


Amity buried her blushing face in her hands.

"I really wish I hadn't said that! I mean, it's true! I absolutely do love you, okay? But..."

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