Clan Kelley thug 2: "I did, arse-face. Just not too long ago I-


Then, one of the Clan Kelley demo's grenades is hit by a bullet. Then it explodes, killing the 3 Kelleys there.


Clan Kelley thug: "Whoa! Alright, wherever you are, come at me you little shit!"

Then, the gas pipe next to him explodes, sending him flying across the room and landing on the cage's door. Then a masked person walks in with his desert eagle in his hand and phone in his left hand. The man is revealed to be Declan McCarthy, a DedSec operative who was alive when Albion arrived in London and when the bombings occured.

Declan: "Right, let's get you 2 out of here."

Derek: "Who are you? You with DedSec?"

Declan: "Mhm, the name's Declan. Alright, door's unlocked. Let's go."

Meanwhile, in the borough of Westminster...

In Westminster,  a protest standing in front of an Albion post in front of Big Ben is being held, there, Anarchists and other protestors are chanting and are tossing rocks and are shouting at them one protestor chants an extremely offensive one towards Albion officers and the others join in.

Crowd: "They've gone for a shit. They've gone for a shit! Albion reinforcements, they've gone for a shit!"

(They sing it like this)

Some members of the protesting crowd laugh and some are still chanting. Then, they sing another chant but sing with the same rhythm.

Crowd: "The elephant man. The elephant man! Nigel Cass, the elephant man!"

(In Britain, to call someone an elephant means they're ugly.)

(Based on this chant above)

In the protests, there are 2 unique anarchists that are holding flares and are waving them around. Their names are unknown but they have nicknames. Red and Blue. Red wears a neck gaiter with the Anarchy logo and the logo of the A for Anarchy is bright red. Meanwhile, Blue is wearing a neck gaiter which simply says 'FIGHT' and it's written in white.

Blue: "Piss off Albion! Piss off from our home!"


He then tosses a flare of his towards an Albion officer, he then shouts and he flips off the officer. In the crowd, the other anarchists, Mikhail, Edward, Alan, Aaron, Shaun and Jax are seen also joining the chant. They keep going and some Albion cars arrive and some Albion officers in riot gear exit to prepare in case the situation escalates. Then, a rock is tossed and then some Albion riot drones arrive and Blue looks at it in surprise along with Red.

 Then, a rock is tossed and then some Albion riot drones arrive and Blue looks at it in surprise along with Red

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Albion Riot Drone: "Failure to comply will result in restrictive measures!"

Blue: "What the hell is that thing?!"

Red: "It's bloody huge!"

(In the game the riot drones are massive)

Then, someone tosses a rock at it and it gets pissed off and it starts to place armour all over its body to prepare for the worst.

Then, someone tosses a rock at it and it gets pissed off and it starts to place armour all over its body to prepare for the worst

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Albion Riot Drone: "Using restrictive measures!"

Then it flies towards the protestor that threw the rock and he fires some pepper gas, causing some people to flee and others to stay and resume protesting. Then, a rock is tossed into its propellers, damaging it and causing it to crash into the ground. The crowd cheers as the drone has been taken down. Then, Albion riot officers start tapping their shields and more riot drones arrive. An anarchist tries to toss a rock into the propellor but misses and the riot drone fires a shotgun shot next to the rioter and a panic happens. Jax and the other anarchists observe Red and Blue who are running. Blue throws his flare at the drone, pissing it off and a small chase drone arrives and aims its taser and the 2 men. Jax and the other anarchists follow along and keep a distance

Red: "Blue, run!"

Blue: "Quick, down that alley!"

They run down an alley which is just next to Westminster Abby and the drone flies past them. They breathe in a sigh of relief and then, Jax walks up to them, followed by his friends.

Jax: "Close one, eh?"

Blue: "Yeah...blimey that was close. Who are you anyway, I saw you and your mates back there."

Jax: "Anyway, tell me. Do you want to help partake in our incredible revolution to drive Albion out?"

Red: "Wait a second. Are you with DedSec?"

Jax: "You guessed correctly. We're open to anyone. If you're willing to join, please, come on in. We welcome those who join with open arms."

Red: "Well mate, count us in!"

Jax: "Come with us, we need to give you your weapons."

To be continued...

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