Chapter 26: The Trouble with Shellshock

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"Look! Putties!" Billy says.

"Come on." Trini says as we all get off the table and sprinted over to them.

"Everybody spread out!" Jason orders us and we begin to fight them. They soon disappear when Zack runs to the hoop and shoots a basket in.

"Hey!" Billy shouted.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Aw, man. I'm late for karate practice. We'll finish later." Tommy says as he looks at his watch.

"See you later brother." Jason says as we wave goodbye at him.

"Hey, all this activity has left me famished." Billy says.

"I'm hungry too." Trini says.

"Hey Trini, give me one with everything!" Zack yells.

"And then me some." Jason says.

"May I have one please." I said as Lily sighed and walked back to the table.

"Hey Lily, do you want one?" Trini asks.

"No thanks. I'm not hungry." She answered, which worried me.

'She always wants some food whenever someone offers. That's weird.' I thought as I went back to my journal as I was drawing the others playing. I see Zack saying something Jason as they both look at Lily and I. I see Bulk and Skull arrive and stop at our court.

"Game's over wimp boys." Bulk says as he takes the ball that bounced to him.

"This is our space." Skull says.

"Yeah? It's our space, too, and that's out ball." Jason asks as I see him, Kimberly and Zack walk over to them.

"Yeah." Zack says.

"Oh, your ball? And his mommy said we can't play with it." Bull says.

"Awww." They both say as Skull begins to laugh.

"You guys are like so funny." Kimberly says.

"Why don't you just go back to the circus where you came from?" I asked from where I was as Bulk and Skull looked at me for a minute.

"Hey, Bulk, is the circus really in town?" Skull asks.

"That was an insult bubble brain. And now she's going to pay for it!" Bull says to him as he grabs Kimberly.

"Hey let her go." Zack says.

"Now." Jason orders. I get up from the table and walk over to them with Lily right behind me.

"Bulk, would you please let her go?" I ask him.

"She's sorry, right Kim?" Lily asked as she didn't say answer.

"Okay. Hey scum!" Bulk says as he throws Kimberly and she grabs onto Skull's hand. Jason and Zack both grab Bulk.

"Hey, you guys!" Kimberly shouts as she spins around Skull. Then she throws him onto Bulk who loses his balance onto the hot dog cart nearby. We start laughing as all of the condiments spill on the both of them.

"Tasty." Skull says.

"Now that's what I call hot dogs with everything on them." Zack says.

"He didn't order that." Trini says.

"Hey you two guys are going to have to pay for all that." The hot dog guy says to them.

"You know, sometimes I do feel sorry for them." Lily said.

"Hey, they deserve what they get." Zack says with me nodding at that.

"Yeah, for acting so obnoxious." Kimberly says.

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