"Hey," Tony said and placed his hand on Steve's cheek, pulling his face back to the front so he could look into his sea-blue eyes. "Eyes down here," he said, making Steve smile slightly before turning serious again.

"I just can't look at those people without wanting to throw up."

"Then don't look at them dumbass." Tony responded with a dry voice.

"How can I not after what they did to you?" Steve said. "Tony, they deserve to go to jail."

"So why haven't you gone to the police yet?" He challenged.

"Because you told me not to, remember?" Steve responded irritated, causing Tony to bite his lip in realization. Right, he had actually said that a few months ago.

"We can go if you want to," Steve said when he saw how Tony looked at Beckman with a nervous look. "You don't need to be in the same room as him."

"It's fine," Tony mumbled.

"You sure?"

"I'm not scared of him." Tony snapped, causing Steve to look away from him. Stark swallowed shamefully, he didn't mean to snap at the other guy like that. "I just.." Tony sighed. "Can you stop acting like I need to be taken care of? I can assure you, I'm fine." He said with a confident voice.

Steve closed his eyes before looking back at Tony's deep brown orbs. "I know, sorry." He said and the genius smiled slightly. "I'm just scared that he'll do something worse. What if Bucky hadn't got to you in time? What if Backman had done something worse like- like rape or something?"

"But he didn't," Tony said with a sharp voice. "Stop worrying, okay? I'm fine. We're fine. Even though some stuff happened before."

"Stuff like me being an idiot?"

"Pretty much."

They smiled at each other before returning to their previous position and Steve snuggled his nose into Tony's neck again. He gave the group next to them a sharp look of warning over the younger guy's shoulder, watching them shift uncomfortably before returning to their shit-talking.

"You shouldn't think about them now." Tony said, sliding his hand over Steve's broad shoulder and down to his chest and his lower abdomen. The blonde let his gaze drop down at Tony's sneaky hands, raising an eyebrow at him before letting a small smile grow on his lips.

"Tony.." He warned.


"Can we like...keep the touching behind closed doors?" Steve asked shyly.

"Why?" Tony asked teasingly. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No. Yes. I don't know."

Tony smiled at him before kissing him lightly. "Wanna get out of here?" He whispered.

"Okay," Steve whispered back as Tony grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the entrance.

When they thought they had reached the entrance, they heard a voice behind them. "Leaving already?"

Tony sighed before turning around, Steve just as irritated at the familiar voice.

"Yes," Tony said, his eyes tired as he looked at the familiar face of Liam Beckman. "Why?"

"You shouldn't be here-"

"Your statements are getting lamer every time I speak to you so do me a favor and make a script before talking." Tony interrupted, making Liam look at him slightly shamefully. His friends in another hand didn't seem affected.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now