Chosen - chapter thirty-one

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Chapter Thirty-One

The Dover pass seemed calm. Not a cloud in the sky and the sailors were in good cheer. I stood near the dock watching as final preparations were finished for our voyage.

I hate sailing.

"How long will be on board?" I asked to nobody in particular.

"It will only be a few hours."


"Are you still nervous about sailing?" Cassius asked.

I nodded, my stomach doing a flip flop at the mere thought of the ship lurching from side to side.

"Don't be. The weather is beautiful and not a cloud in the sky."

"For now," I mumbled, walking down the dock toward the ship.

"Lady Joselyn?"

"Yes?" I answered, turning to face an older, white-haired man.

"You and the Lady Angeline shall share a stateroom for our short voyage. I do hope that is okay."

"It's quite alright. Where is it? I would like to lay down, sailing never did much good on my stomach."

"This way, ma'am." He led us to a staircase that seemed to lead into the very depths of hell.

I fought the urge to vomit right there and descended the opulent staircase. The hallway we ended up in was well lit but very narrow. I put my hands out to the sides to steady myself and gain my bearings. I don't know what I would ever do if I had to perform my assassin duties onboard a ship.

"Are you alright, Joselyn?" Angeline asked, grabbing my waist to keep me from listing over.

"I'm quite alright. Just a bit unsteady."

"Aye, ye haven't built up yer sea legs yet." The old man let out a body-shaking laugh.

I didn't find anything about my discomfort funny.

A large door mid-way down the hallway was opened for us. Inside were two beds, much smaller than what I was used to but still looked very comfortable. A dark-colored table in the center of the room had a platter of cheese and dried meats on it while a large, silver bowl was filled with various fruits.

"I do hope this will suit ye."

"It's just fine. Thank you." I crossed the room to look out the small porthole without looking back at the man.

Angeline closed the door after muttering something to him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm okay. I really dislike sailing."

"It will only be a few hours until we're in Calais."

"Yes, thank goodness for that." I sat on the bed and leaned back against the pillows. "I may just sleep through this entire thing, so I don't have to suffer."

"Enjoy the rocking of the ship. It should lull you off to sleep."

"I don't think so. Is there a bucket nearby? It will probably cause me to vomit instead," I mumbled rolling onto my side.

"You're going to wrinkle your gown and ruin your hair will be ruined!" Angeline complained.

"It'll be fine. I need to lay down for a short while. If it'll make you feel better, I'll remove the gown."

"Please do. I will not have you looking like an unkempt beggar!"

"Angeline, you do worry about the most pointless thing sometimes," I replied, standing so she could unlace the bodice as I untied the skirt.

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