Chosen - chapter twenty-four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

I knelt on the floor in front of my weapons trunk. During the ride I decided not to wear any of my blades, it was time to walk about the castle. Something in the pit of my stomach urged me to check around. I strapped the leather sheath around my thigh and slid my sharpest dagger in.

"Is everything all right?" Angeline asked, noticing me slip on my shoes.

"Yes. I figured it was just time to check on things about the castle."

"Any particular reason why?"

"No. I'm feeling uneasy is all," I said, crossing the room.

"Would you like to take supper here?"

"That sounds great."

"I'll have something brought up for you within the hour."

I nodded my head and slipped out the door. Torches along the wall illuminated the darkness that had crept into the castle. Everything was silent. The quiet made me feel very uncomfortable.

Something isn't right.

I crept along the wall, staying in whatever shadows I could find. My heart slammed against my chest with each step I took. It felt as though I would run into some awful thing at any turn.

Where is Cassius?

I peered over my shoulder toward the door to his chamber. It was shut, but no guards stood out front. Furrowing my brow, I continued along.

Perhaps he's in his study.

I left the safety of the castle and walked the courtyard. Torchlight cast dancing shadows everywhere. Letting my eyes adjust to the change, I tried to decipher everything. Anything could have been a person lurking in a crevice waiting to pounce on the next unsuspecting passerby.

The dining hall lights shone through the windows brighter than any other did. Flattening my back against the cold stone, I looked inside. Mary stomped about waving her arms in the air. Cocking my head to the side, I strained to hear what she said or whom she said it to. A man appeared from beyond the pane of glass; he wore black trousers, a dark green tunic, and had a mop of curls the hung to his shoulders. He was a good-looking man, but I'd never seen him before. He definitely wasn't a noble of the court. At least not of Cassius's court. I watched as Mary continued yelling at the man, he stood stone-faced while she let her rage fly. She stormed out of the room as he lowered himself into a bow. Turning quickly, I ran back toward Cassius's chambers and mine. I had to find him. I had to be sure he was safe.

My heels clicked on the stone floor as I ran to his door. I slammed my fists against the wood, my stomach churning at the thought something happened to him in the short time we were apart.

"Joselyn? What is the meaning of this? What's wrong?" he asked, as the door swung open.

"Are you okay? Has anyone been here?"

"No, what's going on?" He sat up in bed, watching me.

"Something is happening with Mary. I don't know what, but she's making me uncomfortable. She met with a man I'd never seen before and I don't like the looks of him."

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing, yet. I'm staying with you tonight in case he decides to pay you a visit."

He nodded and motioned for me to join him on the bed. Unstrapping the dagger, I placed it under the pillow I would be using.

"Andrew, please get Lady Joselyn a sleeping gown."

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