"I do", he cuts her off.


"I do understand what love can make you do"

"You do? Do you have someone in your life?"

"Yes Omma, I do", he smiles warmly, trying his best to not let the tears in his eyes out.

"Oh my sweet boy!",she struggles a little to sit back up on the bed, "I am so happy for you. Who is she?"

"He", he deadpans.

"Oh, the last time you told me you were dating someone was 3 years ago. That beautiful young lady. What was her name?", she asks trying to strain her memory.


"Yes, Hwasa. She was nice. I mean, from whatever you told me about her, she seemed nice but you broke up with her"

"And thank God I did", he chuckles.

"Why what happened?"

"She has found a new hobby lately", he smiles.

"What hobby?"

"Betraying me, collaborating with my enemy. Just the usual good girl gone bad drama", he chuckles.

"Are you okay? What did she do?"

"I am okay Omma. Just letting her play for a while until I am done with the other important things"

"Oh, forget it! Tell me about this boy you are dating. What does he do? How does he look? What is he like?", she asks him with shiny bright eyes.

"Jungkook", he responds in a heart beat, his eyes warm, "He is a software engineer in my company. He is cute", he chuckles softly.

"Oh is he? He must be really cute if he has my son blush like this"

"Omma I am not-"

"Show me his picture. How does he look? I wish I could meet him in person but.."

"Here", Taehyung shows her a picture from his phone, "I think Jimin clicked this when we were in my office".

"Here", Taehyung shows her a picture from his phone, "I think Jimin clicked this when we were in my office"

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"Oh dear Lord! Such a nice young man. His smile..it's so pure", her eyes getting teary again.

"It is. He smiles like a bunny. Makes my heart flutter everytime I watch him smile"

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