Chapter 24~keep chasing

Start from the beginning

You make it to the beach, all the palm trees lighten up with lights. You push through the crowd, so you're not at the way back. You look over a man's shoulder and see a girl hugging Izuku. You see Izuku blushing with an abashed look, but with a nervous smile. You stare at him for a bit thinking all kinds of thoughts, then suddenly your eyes meet with his. His face lights up when he sees you.

~Izuku's POV~

As this girl that I just rescued hugs me, I can't help but blush. I scan throughout the crowd cheering for me. I give them a nervous smile. So this is what saving people is like...
I seek trough the crowd and suddenly spot Y/N.

"Y/N? -" I say, but before I can finish I feel someone's lips press against my cheek.

~Your POV~
Your heart drops, your expression turns gray, you feel everything become a little fuzzy for a bit. You start to feel nocious. He looks at you with his face red from blushing. You take a few steps back, and before you know it tears start to form in your eyes.

~Dekus POV~

I stop smiling at what just happened. I make eye contact with Y/N, I spot tears in her eyes. The girl releases me with a smirk as the crowd commences to surround her. All that's left is Y/N.
I feel my heart drop as I realized what I had screwed up.
Damnit I can't believe I forgot, she comes looking for me to find this!

"Y/N, I....-" I express softly, but before I can talk she runs off in the opposite direction. She runs with one arm over her eyes, trying to wipe away the tears.

"Wait, Y-Y/N!!" I shout. I start to run, but I then feel an arm wrap around my neck. I turn around and see the girl who I saved.

"W-what are you doing? L-let go of me..." I yell as I struggle to get loose. W-what the hell is she doing!? I see Y/N get further and further away, as I struggle to get loose.

"Let her run, you don't need her~" I hear the girl whisper into my ear. What is with this girl!? I finally manage to get loose. The girl falls onto the sand.

"Your wrong , I do l need her, a-and right now...s-she he needs me." I say, I begin to run again as fast as my legs can carry me. I can't believe I forgot!! How could I have been so stupid!? We were supposed to meet up and hangout! I look through all the streets but still no sight of her, and since it's dark that makes it even worse.

~Your POV~

You keep running and all you can think about is to get as far away as you can. That scene keeps replaying perpetually again in your head. H-how could he? After everything we've gone through...I thought maybe that this relationship wasn't just one sided....that maybe there could have been a chance.....
No you're stupid! You knew he never felt that way about you! I should of never come here...
More tears start to fill your eyes as you keep at a steady pace. You keep running until you find a tree, a tall one covered in leaves. You use your quirk to teleport into a sturdy branch. You sit down, trying to catch your breath. You wipe your tears away, but they keep coming back. You wrap your arms around your knees and lay your head on them. Your breathing becomes unsteady. I should of never gotten out of bed, I should of just stayed home, with mom, and my books.....

~Izukus POV~

I run through the streets desperate to find any trace of Y/N, but still no sign of her. Man, I really screwed up. Tears of frustration and anger start to form in my eyes. I'm so stupid I couldn't even remember! This is all my fault!

I finally end up at a dead end, with a tree nearby, I go over to it and lean against it while sitting, trying to catch my breath. I sigh. As I do so I hear something move in the tree. I stand up startled. I squint my eyes and see Y/N standing on a tree branch. I see her make eye contact with me a quick sec then she turns away.

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