Chapter 15

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-The Truth-

-The Truth-

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"Are you really sure it's best to have the baby doing this?" Aula asked.

"Well, no, but neither of us will fit in the compartment."

The state of the Crest was only getting worse with time, and so Lore was having - or at least trying to have - Leo do some internal wiring work. 

'Trying' being the key word there. 

"Show me the red wire - good. Now show me the blue wire. Good. Now show me the red one again.  No, the red one. Show me the red one - yes, good." Lore was speaking through the small compartment opening, instructing Leo who was at the middle of the mess of tangled wires.  "Now, you're going to plug that red wire where the blue wire goes in the board, okay? But don't let them touch. No, no, don't put the red one back, put the red one where the blue one was-"


There was a flash, and Leo gave a cry.  Lore sighed as a puff of smoke hit him in the face. "Are you okay?" The baby only coughed and spluttered. 

"You sure?" asked Aula.  More coughing and spluttering. 

 "Well, it was worth a shot," Lore sighed. "Thanks for your help, Kid, but there's no way we're making it to Corvus in this shape. So how would you like to go back to Nevarro?"

"Sounds good - but will be be able to get there in one piece?" she asked. 

"I guess we'll see."


Upon their descent into Navarro, an alarm was blaring.

"That's doesn't sound good," Aula remarked. 

"Hang on!"

Amazingly, they managed a pretty steady landing.  Maybe this wasn't all that surprising, as Lore was a very skilled pilot. 

Cara and Karga greeted them.  

"Hey Cara, I've been practicing my arm wrestling," Aula announced. 

Cara chuckled. "Working on your shot too?"

"Oh yeah - Lore's showing me some tricks - when we have time in between trying to keep this little one out of trouble." She tickled Leo. 

"And you out of trouble," said Lore.

"That too. The place looks great! It's really thriving!" she marveled. 

"Looks like you two have been busy," Lore agreed as they followed them into town. "I'm surprised this place is still standing." He nodded to the cantina. 

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