Epilogue(part 2)

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Thirteen years later...

" Sir, you're up in five minutes." The security head said as he left me in the waiting room.

I nervously stood up from my seat and gathered my laptop and a few papers scattered on the table in front of me. It was a big day for me. A very big. I was about to give a speech on how I became so successful.

While adjusting my tie and suit, I begin to walk towards the door which would lead me into the auditorium where a huge crowd was waiting for me. Suddenly a mirror, hanging on the wall caught my eye. I took a deep breath and rubbed the sweat sliding down my forehead.

I don't exactly consider myself successful. I just consider myself happy and satisfied with whatever I am today. And all of it only became possible because of her. Today if she was here, she would've been proud. And I have to do this confidently.

For her.

I smiled as a purpose begin to build itself before me. I closed the door behind me as I stepped out into the auditorium.

I hadn't prepared for a speech but just outlined two very important aspects of my speech. I began with clearing my throat.

" Hello, ladies and gentlemen. As many of you know I'm Dexter Ainsworth, the CEO of SATE." I chuckled and shook my head.

" Honestly speaking, I don't consider myself successful. I can see many of you rolling your eyes but that's the truth. I just think I'm happy and satisfied with my life. If that's what you call being successful then okay I'm successful." I shrugged.

" Now being said that I'll tell you something very personal from my life. I haven't shared this ever but I'd like to bring it to light today and give it the appreciation it needs." I took a long breath.

" There was a girl," i heard a chorus of "hooos" from the crowd. I chuckled.

" Yes a girl. I met her when I had lost all the hope of ever being what I am today. But she...she pulled me out of the hollow well and onto the bright fresh grass." I smiled.

" She believed in me and always motivated me to be a better version of myself. She always...believed I would become someone this world would be proud of." I sadly chuckled and shook my head.

God, Sylvia you're running in my system even after thirteen years.

" But what was the effort from your side?" Someone asked from the crowd.

"After her, I begin to see what she saw in me. I set a vision, a goal and  commitment for furthering my aspirations. It wasn't granted to me overnight, of course but required my patience, hard work and acceptance of failure. In short I begin to believe in myself."

Another question arose.

" What do you do if you feel like giving up?"

" I look back at my past. And remember the reason why I started. It always gives me the motivation to move forward."

" It's not related to the conference. I'd like to know more about her, if you want to obviously."

I smiled and closed my eyes.

Her bright and beaming smile appeared before my eyes. Her chocolate brown curls and hazel eyes.


" She was the definition of love and happiness. She taught me so many things about life in the short time we spent together."

I didn't want to reveal anything about where she was now.

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